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CNN Election Day Poll Finds ‘Enthusiasm Advantage’ For Republicans Ahead Of 2024



A new poll from CNN found a sizable “enthusiasm advantage” among Republicans ahead of the 2024 election. The left-leaning network’s survey also found more bad news for President Biden, with one host conceding that voters have “clearly soured” on the president.

According to the Election Day 2023 poll, 71 percent of likely Republican voters are “extremely motivated” to vote in 2024. Just 61 percent of likely Democrat voters said the same, giving the GOP a ten-point edge.

CNN’s poll also provided more bad news for President Biden, with just 39 percent of respondents approving of his job performance while 61 percent expressed disapproval. “The country has soured on Joe Biden, there’s just not another way to put it,” remarked one host.

When breaking the numbers down by party affiliation, the president performed poorly among Democrats for an incumbent, with just 73 percent of respondents expressing approval.

Biden’s approval rating among independents is well underwater at just 34 percent.

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In terms of overall wellbeing and direction of the country, just 28 percent of those surveyed said things were going “well” while an overwhelming majority, 72 percent, indicated that things were going poorly.

The Election Day poll comes just days after another devastating poll for Biden was released by the New York Times. According to that survey, Biden currently trails former President Donald Trump in five of six swing states.