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Conservative Groups Not Allowing Pennsylvania Get Away With ‘Election Fraud’



This past Friday, the Republican National Committee (RNC) revealed that it would be leading a lawsuit against the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania over unlawfully “curing” voter rolls in elections, in which election officials alter inadequate or indecipherable ballots rather than handling them as the constitution stipulates. 

In a statement, RNC Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel said that the RNC would be joining the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC), the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), the Pennsylvania Republican Party, and concerned Pennsylvania voters in a lawsuit against the state of Pennsylvania over allegations of voter suppression. Democratic leaders in Pennsylvania, including Governor Tom Wolf, violated the constitution by refusing to establish statewide election standards. The Republican Party’s dedication to making it simpler to vote and tougher to commit fraud in Pennsylvania and around the country is highlighted by this lawsuit, which will give people there greater faith in the integrity of their elections.

The action, as stated in a press release from the Republican National Committee, is an attempt to end the discriminatory and unconstitutional practice of enabling voters in some Pennsylvania counties to “cure” damaged postal ballots while voters in other counties are not given this option.

According to the paper, counties in Pennsylvania are not permitted by law to notify voters and provide them with the opportunity to fix their ballots. While many municipalities in Pennsylvania adhere to the law and do not permit curing, some have secretly installed a curing procedure. 

When an absentee ballot contains a glaring error, such as missing information, an election worker will “cure” it by filling in the blanks. No one else than the voter may complete the voter’s ballot in accordance with the law. If a mail-in vote is not adequately completed as required by law, it must be deemed void rather than having its contents changed by election workers so it can be tallied. 

The complaint states, “in 2020, the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania unanimously held that ‘the Election Code provides procedures for casting and counting a vote by mail,’ but does not provide for a notice and opportunity to cure procedure for a voter who fails to comply with the requirements for voting by mail or absentee.” 

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According to the lawsuit, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court also stated that the judgment to establish an intimation and possibility to cure procedure to lessen the risk of a voter’s ballot being dismissed due to failure to adhere to the Election Code’s signing and secrecy voting form prerequisites for mail-in and ballot papers is one best suited for the Law. 

To ensure that these policies are implemented consistently throughout Pennsylvania, it is up to state lawmakers to pass laws establishing them. The RNC has stated that state legislatures are the proper bodies to determine election procedures because of the clear language of the U.S. Constitution. 

The Republican-controlled legislature in Pennsylvania has repeatedly tried to implement measures to increase election transparency and security, but Democratic Governor Tom Wolf has consistently vetoed these bills. In 2021, Wolf vetoed a bill that would have made “a number of other changes to election law,” including a provision that “required voter identification in all elections.” 

Governor Tom Wolf has vetoed and blocked Pennsylvania Republican-led legislation to solve [the issue of ballot curing],” the RNC added. “Now, a coalition of Republican groups and concerned citizens are stepping in to defend and standardize Pennsylvania elections.