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DeSantis Takes A Blow Torch To Democrats Over Expansion Of IRS



Florida GOP Gov. Ron DeSantis royally ripped into Democrats and the federal government by stating that the expansion of the IRS is the Biden administration’s way of giving Americans the “middle finger.”

And he’s absolutely right about that.

It’s also their way of saying they are going to strong-arm people out of tax money at the barrel of a gun without coming out and saying that’s exactly what they’re going to be doing. And to think, the Founding Fathers launched the entire Revolution over taxation that pales in comparison to the kind we are dealing with on a daily basis.

Rather amazing how folks seem to be just accepting these new changes without taking any action to stop them from happening or at least fixing them. We need to stand up, vote the Democrats out of office this fall, and start reforming the tax system and loosening the grip it has on the throats of the middle class.

According to Newsmax:

President Joe Biden on Tuesday signed a climate and healthcare spending bill into law, which includes $80 billion to overhaul the IRS. According to the New York Post, the earmarks of the bill would allow the service to hire roughly 87,000 new agents, essentially doubling its size. DeSantis says the Democrats’ legislation will result in Washington “going after you.”

“Of all the things that have come out of Washington that have been outrageous, this has got to be pretty close to the top,” DeSantis said at a Wednesday press conferenceabout teacher recruitment. “I think it was basically just the middle finger to the American public, that this is what they think of you.”

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen recently wrote a letter outlining that the $80 billion in funding the IRS is set to receive would not be used to bolster the agency’s auditing of middle-income earners and small businesses.

However, DeSantis, who many think could be a potential contender for the nomination of the Republican Party in 2024, went on to issue a warning that this newly expanded IRS isn’t going to be going out tracking down billionaires.

“They are going to go after independent contractors. They’re going to go after small business people. They’re going to go after someone that may be driving an Uber or a handyman or all these things,” DeSantis went on to say. “Why would they do that? Because you’re not going to be able to contend with the audit, so they’re going to crush a lot of people by doing that.”

woke bishop

Of course, the leftists pulling all the strings here aren’t going to admit that. In fact, IRS Commissioner Chuck Rettig stated that all of the new resources coming in will enable the agency to provide additional services for taxpayers.

Look, the only services we want are the ones where the IRS is abolished and we are left alone to actually enjoy the fruits of our labor.

“The IRS has struggled for many years with insufficient resources to fulfill our important mission,” Rettig remarked in a statement issued on Tuesday. “During the next 10 years, these funds will help us in many areas, including adding critical resources to not just close the tax gap but meaningfully improve taxpayer service and technology.”

Not long after the raid on former President Donald Trump’s residence in Palm Beach, Florida last week, DeSantis came out swinging against the hiring of a massive number of IRS investigators.

“The raid of MAL [Mar-a-Lago] is another escalation in the weaponization of federal agencies against the Regime’s political opponents, while people like Hunter Biden get treated with kid gloves. Now the Regime is getting another 87k IRS agents to wield against its adversaries? Banana Republic.” DeSantis posted in a tweet published on Aug. 8.