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“Elites Are Making Things Worse on Purpose”: WATCH Tucker Call Out, Skewer the Ruling Elites



Why are things going so badly for America now that Team Brandon and whatever shadowy string-pullers control it are in charge? Why is Europe crashing under the weight of its own delusions regarding “green” energy and fighting the Russkies to its total detriment right now? Well, according to Tucker Carlson, it’s because those crazy wackos are making things worse on purpose.

That’s right. In Tucker’s view, it’s not just that those losers, from Klaus Schwab to Joe Biden, are incompetent. They very well may be (looking at you on that count, Biden’s two remaining brain cells), but the bigger issue, in his view, is that they intend on destroying the West as we know it.

Tucker exposed that plot and cited numerous examples of it in a recent monologue of his, one as powerful as any he’s given and incredibly important. Why? Because if these people aren’t stopped they might well destroy the West and make our lives even worse than they’ve already made them.

Watch Tucker here:

As you can hear in the video, Tucker, sounding off on the elites, noted in particular just how detached they are from the lives that normal people live, saying:

“…You can reach a place in your society where the people in charge and their lapdogs in the media become so completely disconnected from the concerns of actual people, become so totally uninterested in the lives of citizens, that society becomes very volatile, and we are fast approaching that point.”

Indeed. And it’s hard to imagine that much of the West hasn’t already reached that point. Is your life in any way similar to the life lived by Joe Biden, by Hunter Biden, by the ruling elites whether they be bankers, academics, or media personalities? Probably not.

free hat

Their lives and positions are secure (unless someone like Trump comes in like a wrecking ball). Their wages keep pace with the rising cost of life. They’re not at the mercy of globalization, inflation, or central banks shelling out trillions; rather, they benefit from those things!

Your life is different than the lives they live, as Tucker notes, and so they care not a whit for your concerns. The result? Disaster, as we’re seeing now in Europe, where delusional greens insist on shutting down nuclear plants even as Russia turns off the tap of natural gas, setting Europe up for a long, cold winter. Or, as Tucker put it:

Europe is descending into poverty…Energy is the key to a functioning society, and the elites don’t care. Or maybe they do care — and they’re making things worse on purpose.

And what’s the goal of their making things worse on purpose? As Tucker put it: “This is not just bad policy, this makes no sense. It only makes sense if the goal is to completely destroy the west.

And between energy policy and soft on crime policies, not to mention all the rest of their delusional agenda, they’d doing quite a good job of destroying what our forefathers built.

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