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Ex-Biden Donor Reveals Illegal Activities Of Biden’s 2020 Campaign



A former high-level donor to President Joe Biden spoke out Monday night about his agreement with authorities at the FBI to wear a wire and interact with the president’s campaign team after he claimed the president’s campaign manager directed him to conceal illegal donations during the 2020 campaign.

Chris Tigani, a Delaware beer mogul who served two years in prison over campaign finance violations, told Fox News viewers that he was approached by federal investigators following a scheme to reimburse his business associates for making donations to the president’s campaign, a highly illegal tactic known as straw donations. Tigani claims he went on to have multiple interactions with Biden staff members while recording their conversations.

“[The illegal donations] were a request from Dennis Toner, the campaign manager, and [the FBI] wouldn’t have it. So yes, they asked me to wear a wire. They did put me in situations where I was involved with other people, and once it got to Dennis and Joe, the entire investigation was called off and the indictment was unsealed. And so I did maybe five or six different appearances and the targets that they wanted to focus on just didn’t work out,” Tigani said.


Tigani went on to decry the deal reached last week between Hunter Biden and federal prosecutors that will see the embattled first son serve no prison time over tax and firearms violations.

“Other people who have been charged in the district with tax crimes all were charged with felonies. All had no say, and Hunter’s information and his plea bargain was announced the day that his information was released. That’s never happened. Hunter is the only person in the district to be charged as a misdemeanor under 26 US Code Section 7203. No one else in 30 years has ever been charged with that as a standalone charge as a misdemeanor… That’s not right, and I think U.S. Attorney David Weiss has some explaining to do with respect to the public,” Tigani said.

Tigani previously told the New York Post that the only reason he went to prison and Hunter Biden didn’t was because “my name is Tigani, not Biden.”

The plea agreement with the president’s son does not absolve him from scrutiny around an alleged bribe from a Ukrainian official, one that House Republicans are continuing to investigate as they expand their probe of Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings. President Biden has emphatically denied his knowledge of or participation with any illegal activity by his embattled son.

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