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“Failed Leadership”: Pelosi Gets Hammered by Fellow Democrat



As the infighting between members of the GOP heats up thanks to Trump increasingly looking like he’ll run again, DeSantis positioning himself to be the nominee if he doesn’t, and the Conservative, Inc. oligarchs losing their minds over the idea of the bad orange man once again holding the ostensible reins of power, Democrats are back to eating their own as well.

Many Democrats don’t want Biden to run again, even fewer people than like Brandon find Cackling Kamala remotely tolerable, Newsom has rallied the abortion advocates to his side by putting up pro-abortion billboards with Bible verses on them around red states, and the bickering between the semi-sane Manchin types and far left field AOC types has escalated because of the “climate change” question.

And now there’s another side to the leftist infighting: Rep. Nancy Pelosi, celebrated day trader and Speaker of the House, is under attack from Rep. Abigail Spanberger of Virginia, a Democrat, who attacked Pelosi for what she characterized as a “failure of House leadership,” over Pelosi’s purported shutting down of a ban on lawmaker stock trading.

Speaking on that, Rep. Spanberger said:

“This moment marks a failure of House leadership — and it’s yet another example of why I believe that the Democratic Party needs new leaders in the halls of Capitol Hill, as I have long made known.

“[A]fter first signaling her opposition to these reforms, the Speaker purportedly reversed her position… however, our bipartisan reform coalition was then subjected to repeated delay tactics, hand-waving gestures and blatant instances of Lucy pulling the football.

Spanberger’s criticism was related to Pelosi’s shifting position on a strengthening of the STOCK Act, which is a 2012 law that prevents lawmakers from using insider information to trade stocks.

woke bishop

Pelosi, who has been accused of violating the law because of suspiciously time stock trades made by her husband, Paul Pelosi, first opposed strengthening the STOCK Act then changed her tune after the public outcry against her thanks to that opposition reached a fever pitch.

Now that fewer people are focused on the issue, she has once again stopped supporting the idea, as Spanberger accuses her of. Specifically, Spanberger is accusing Pelosi of doing her best to push part of the “Combatting Financial Conflicts of Interest in Government Act knowing it will die on arrival and thus be done away with. As Soangberger put it:

Kitchen-sink package that they knew would immediately crash upon arrival, with only days remaining before the end of the legislative session and no time to fix it.”

Spanberger then went on to add that “the package released earlier this week was designed to fail. It was written to create confusion surrounding reform efforts and complicate a straightforward reform priority… all while creating the appearance that House Leadership wanted to take action.

So those looking for alpha in their trades and time to keep up with market moves made by big players will still have politicians to watch as leading market indicators, at least assuming that Spanberger is right about what’s going to happen with the bill.
