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First Meeting Between Trump’s Legal Team And Special Master Set For NY



The legal team representing former President Donald Trump and attorneys for the Justice Department are all set for a meeting to take place on Tuesday in New York with the court-appointed special master who is currently looking over the documents that were seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation after the raid on Trump’s Florida residence.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon picked retired New York Judge Raymond Dearie, who was appointed by former President Ronald Reagan many moons ago, last week to serve as the special master in this case.

The day after the special master was appointed, Dearie set up a meeting with Trump and DOJ attorneys for this Tuesday, going on to encourage both legal teams to suggest specific items they wanted to discuss, according to a court filing that was obtained by The Hill.

Just the News said, “Dearie, who has a document review deadline of Nov. 30, was the only special master candidate upon which the Justice Department and Trump’s legal team agreed.”

“Meanwhile, the Justice Department is still battling to access the allegedly classified documents agents seized from the former president’s Florida home,” the report continued.

Dearie served as a federal judge in the state of New York since 1986 and officially retired from his position on the bench back in 2011. He currently serves as a senior judge in the district, according to information from an ABC 17 news report.

Another interesting tidbit about the newly appointed special master is that he had a seven-year stint on the U.S Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, also known as the FISA Court. Interestingly, Dearie was one of the judges who signed off on an FBI and DOJ request to put Carter Page, one of Trump’s campaign foreign policy advisers, under surveillance as part of a federal government investigation into whether not Russia and Trump colluded to interfere in the 2016 election.

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As we are well aware by now, no such collusion took place, though that did not hinder the mainstream media from attempting to pump that false narrative through the news cycle every single day, now did it? Never let facts get in the way of a good narrative.

“Cannon is giving Dearie a deadline of November 30 to finish his review of potentially privileged documents. The DOJ had sought for the process to end in October, while Trump’s team said they preferred 90 days,” the news report revealed.

“Cannon’s schedule means the review will end after the midterm congressional elections, essentially guaranteeing the Mar-a-Lago investigation will move slowly for the next two months, unless a higher court steps in,” the report continued. “Trump’s legal team has broadly argued that a special master is necessary to ensure the Justice Department returns any of his private documents seized during the search of Mar-a-Lago.”

Let’s hope that the truth comes out in this whole mess of a situation. We need to know if the FBI launched a political attack against Trump as a means of preventing him from potentially becoming the political opponent that President Joe Biden must face in 2024, should he win the GOP nomination.

Is the FBI, along with other federal law enforcement agencies, being used as a weapon in the hands of the progressives within our government to target those who oppose Biden and the left-wing agenda?

That’s what Americans need to know, sooner rather than later.