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Geraldo Rivera Gets Dragged Online For Bizarre Anti-Trump Tweet



Geraldo Rivera, Fox News Host and contributor is back to his antics attacking Trump and this time people are coming out of the woodwork to respond…

This instance of attacking Trump is unique in the fact that Geraldo attempts to play both sides of the aisle. His tweet becomes a rollercoaster of opinions that many people had to jump at.

“Donald Trump was a grossly underrated and unfairly besieged president,” Geraldo says in the first sentence of his tweet attempting to soften the blow of what he will say in the next few sentences.

Despite sounding pro-Trump at the beginning of his tweet, Geraldo then unleashes in his latter sentences saying, “I will not vote for him in 2024-not because of what he did in office-but what he did after he lost the election.”

“In 2024 the danger to the Republic will not be if he wins. It will be if he loses,” Geraldo said in his tweet which you can see below:

Well this outlandishly hot-take put Geraldo right back into the hot water that he so-often finds himself in and people let him have it.

woke bishop

Checkout what some people said in response on Twitter below: