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‘Good Samaritan’: Armed Amazon Worker Prevents Mass Casualty Event At Facility



It’s stories like these that really help put things into perspective when it comes to the American right to self-defense and the Second Amendment.

Just recently an armed Amazon worker is being hailed a hero after he prevented a mass casualty event at an Amazon facility when he took matters into his own hands…

The Amazon facility located in Chandler, Arizona was under a mass shooter threat just Wednesday morning and a man by the name of Jacob Murphy, 29 years old, drove to the facility and open-fired when he got out of his car.

Police confirmed that Murphy was not an employee of the facility but suffered from “jealousy issues” regarding his girlfriend who was an employee at that location. Murphy was said to be looking for a specific unnamed male who has not been identified.

Murphy was first prevented from entering the facility while he was hunting for the unidentified male by an employee who found his behavior suspicious.

Murphy then got into an argument with that employee and proceeded to shoot the employee “multiple times.” The situation which has clearly escalated, was quickly becoming a dangerous rampage for Murphy until a heroic Amazon worker who was armed took matters into his own hands.

The armed Amazon worker saw the events unfold and escalate and immediately jumped into action. The ‘good samaritan’ pulled out his own gun and was able to wound Murphy and stop before the situation got any worse.

free hat

Murphy was later confirmed dead by police who say that he was killed by both a self-inflicted gun-shot wound and a wound from the worker stopped him in his tracks.

Thankfully, police have now confirmed that Murphy’s first victim is recovering in the hospital and “will survive.” The police went on to say that they are not at this time investigating the man who stopped Murphy.

“As previously released, the Chandler Police Department is not investigating the third male, who came to the victim’s aid, as a suspect,” the local police said.

The police also said that the man who saved the lives of many stood his ground after being fired at by Murphy and returned fire to end up saving the day.

“All of a sudden, just hear pop, pop, pop. [I] start looking around, like where did that come from? A few of our other workers started running … I was already in my work van, I put it in gear and tried to find a safe place and got out of here,” another Amazon worker told ABC 15 who was reporting on the scene.

Check out some photos and videos from the scene below:

It appears that conservative policies that deal with these issues along with heroic people have saved the day. It makes sense why so many people are leaving more liberal states who are abandoning these ideals.

Recently a Hollywood star even spoke out about LEAVING his liberal state for a more conservative which you can read about by CLICKING HERE.