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GROSS: Kasich the RINO Makes Absurd Point about Trump, January 6th



John Kasich has apparently taken a break from stuffing his mouth with spaghetti in a gross, desperate attempt to appeal to voters, now appearing on CNN to talk to Wolf Blitzer about how the January 6th Kangaroo court is supposedly weakening support for Trump.

Kasich the RINO made that point after Wolf Blitzer, obviously pressing him to attack Trump and make it seem like the January 6th Committee has been very effective in smearing Trump, saying:

“Today’s testimony was behind closed doors, but it was recorded on video. So presumably, major portions of it could be made public during upcoming hearings, including as early as next week. What kind of impact would that have?

Kasich obliged, pretending both that the committee is honestly examining evidence and acting based on it and that the hearings are weakening the GOP base’s support for Trump.

Kasich began by acting like the continual dredging up of various characters to insult or smear Trump in the hearings isn’t a political stunt but rather an honest proceeding meant to examine the evidence and follow whatever threads possible, not a predetermined, anti-Trump path, saying:

“Well, what’s interesting to me, Wolf, is that these hearings were supposed to end sometime around June but what we see is they are not scheduling hearings as late as August, which means that little by little, they are finding more and more information and calling more and more relevant witnesses.

“So Cipollone is important in terms of the things that our guests have said here about confirming some things. But it also is really interesting how they keep finding more and more people who they want to call and have testify.

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Continuing and attacking Trump with an even more ridiculous lie about the January 6th hearings and their effect on Trump and the base, Kasich then said:

You know, there is one other thing happening that I have noticed, Wolf, and that is I like to say there are a group of what were hard-core Trump supporters, and I think they are getting like mushy. You know what that term means.

“They are mushy. They are getting weaker. They no longer stand up and defend him. They say, ‘well, it’s time to move on.’ So these hearings, the accumulation of these hearings, highly watched hearings, are taking a real toll on him and providing space for other Republicans to think about running for president.”

Contrary to Kasich’s claim, a massive chunk of the GOP still supports Trump as its first pick, far more than support the alternative MAGA candidate, Ron DeSantis, or the Conservative, Inc. candidate, Mike Pence.

Meanwhile, as Kasich turns on his own party and tries to weaken support for its favorite son in a desperate attempt to remain relevant, leftists at MSNBC are busy calling the GOP a “fascist” and “authoritarian” project, showing how little is gained by RINOs like Kasich and Liz Cheney switching sides in the hope of earning a crumb of favor from the radical left.

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