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Illinois Mayor Issues Chilling Warning About Radical Criminal Justice Overhaul: ‘Most Dangerous Law I’ve Ever Seen’



A mayor in the state of Illinois made an appearance on Fox News on Monday where he said that the state’s new Safety, Accountability, Fairness  Equity-Today  (SAFE-T) Act, which is all set to go into effect in a matter of months, is the “most dangerous law” he has ever seen. Well. that definitely sounds like the opposite of the bill’s name, doesn’t it? Yikes.

Keith Pekau, mayor of Orland Park, is currently running for Congress in the 6th District of Illinois and has not at all been shy about voicing his opposition to this radical new law. He explained that this new act will overhaul the state’s current criminal justice system, which he is afraid will cause crime in the state to completely “spiral out of control.”

“We create potential anarchy because law enforcement can’t do their job and then people feel that they have to do that job,” the mayor said. “People aren’t trained in the use of force. They’re not trained to de-escalate situations.”

“The SAFE-T Act includes provisions to end cash bail for most offenses and limits how defendants are determined to be flight risks. It also allows offenders placed under electronic monitoring to be in violation for 48 hours before they can be charged,” TheBlaze reported.

Those in favor of the bill have claimed that it will help create a more equitable criminal justice system and help to fight against the left’s favorite boogeyman, systemic racism.

“It was passed in the middle of the night, with 40 minutes to read an 800-page bill, which is unacceptable,” Pekau stated back in September.

“It abolishes cash bail for almost every offense. This includes — but isn’t limited to — kidnapping, armed robbery, second-degree murder, drug-induced homicide, aggravated DUI, threatening a public official, and aggravated fleeing and eluding,” he added.

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The mayor then explained that this new law would also drop trespassing down from a Class A misdemeanor to a Class B. In other words, police wouldn’t be able to physically remove a trespasser from a person’s private property. That kind of defeats the purpose of even having a no-trespassing law.

“Now they can’t arrest, they can only write a ticket,” he remarked. “So, they get to stay in that business, on your property, at your house, etc.”

Pekau then made the case that the law is “just a potpourri of everything” that completely failed to consider “law enforcement, judges or all the stakeholders in place.” The mayor said that this law will allow criminals to get back on the street and get back to terrorizing people who are just attempting to live their lives in peace. Some of that is my own interpretation of the comment, but it’s still true.

“The law was signed last year by Governor J.B. Pritzker, and it will go into effect on January 1, 2023. The congressional candidate said he hopes Illinois voters will cast their ballots to remove the governor and the state legislators who supported the extreme bill,” TheBlaze stated.

“I don’t think we know what’s coming from this,” Pekau said during his interview on Fox News. “I think we can project that if criminals are allowed to run free and police officers can’t protect citizens, citizens are going to start protecting themselves and take the law into their own hands.”

Liberals really do seem to have a disturbing soft spot for criminals over victims, don’t they? Heck, it’s almost like they recognize a bit of themselves in these individuals.