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INSANE: Vatican Chief PRAISES Italian Pro-Abortion Law, Calls Abortion “Pillar of Society”



You’d think that the Vatican would find a few people that, at the very least, wouldn’t start going around and praising abortion or laws that protect abortion in glowing terms. While that should be true of any church, protestant or Roman Catholic, it seems particularly true of the Vatican given that even Pope Francis the Pinko Pope has taken a strong pro-life stance.

While that’s certainly a reasonable expectation given the stance of the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope, it would, unfortunately, be a wrong guess. That’s because Archbishop Vincenzo Paglia recently spoke out about the abortion issue and lauded the 1978 law allowing abortion in Italy, even going so far as to call it a “pillar of society”!

Paglia, for reference, is currently the President of the Pontifical Academy for Life and Grand Chancellor of the John Paul II Pontifical Theological Institute for Marriage and Family Sciences. He formerly served as President of the Pontifical Council for the Family. So, given his supposed faith, the Roman Catholic Church’s stance on the issue, and his past positions, you would expect and hope that he would be pro-life.

Not so. During a recent interview with the Italian state television Rai Tre, Paglia defended the aforementioned abortion law, even going so far as to say it was not up for debate and a pillar of societal life. In his words:

I believe that at this point the Law 194 is a pillar of our social life. In my opinion, and I have written as much, I would like to see more emphasis on the part that is hardly spoken of, namely the right to motherhood, to see our country grow, in the face of the drama of a generational imbalance that is quite dramatic.

“I would exhort to look with trust upon a country that wishes to live in liberty, in development and progress, and I think that the crisis in natality is a problem on which we have unfortunately not reflected and it is already late.”

At that point the host jumped in to clarify the shocking pronouncement that Paglia had just made, askingSo, the Law 194 is not up for debate?” Paglia, rolling with his statement and not backing off or shifting words to make his comments Christian, said “No, absolutely not.”

woke bishop

One of the top men at the Vatican was not only defending an abortion law and calling is a “pillar of our social life,” but even going so far as to say that the law isn’t up for debate now! Utter insanity, a complete rejection of church teachings on the matter and the stance that most of the faithful, particularly those strong in their faith, have taken.

Critics of Paglia’s comments have since gone on the attack in an attempt to push back on the shocking turn that his comments represent. One, for example, the president of an Italian pro-life NGO, saidWe do not understand how a law that suppresses defenseless and innocent human lives can be a ‘pillar’ of society.

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