Jen Psaki Makes Excuses for Dems Losing Florida, Insults Latino Voters in the Process
The force of nature that IS Florida Governor Ron Desantis swept through the midterms like a late season hurricane, devastating leftists hopes and dreams all across the state. Desantis has handled every obstacle of his Governorship with class, intelligence, and a no-nonsense approach with only the best interest of Floridians in mind, and people noticed. Not only did Desantis win by double digit points, an unheard of margin, but he pulled literally every Republican on the ballot across the finish line with him. Florida is now officially as red as a state can get, and Floridians are better off for it.
Speaking of red, our favorite lefty redhead, Jen Psaki is back at it, making crazy statements and offending Latino voters in Florida after they made their wishes crystal clear Tuesday. Psaki offered some rather dubious, definitely insulting reasons for the red wave in Florida. Check this out.
Former White House press secretary, now MSNBC pundit, Jen Psaki is making a laughable case to discredit the Latino vote in Florida.
Psaki claims that Florida Latinos are different from all other Latinos. She claims that Florida Latinos are particularly susceptible to misinformation.
Psaki said “a massive disinformation problem in Spanish language media” fueled the GOP domination in Florida.
Those poor, stupid Florida Latinos. If only they would’ve watched more rich, elite white people in the media they would know better and had voted Democrat! It’s such a shame white people weren’t able to rescue them from their own ignorance and dreaded “misinformation”. In the left’s eyes, you can replace the word “Latino” with “black”, “gay”, or any other number of races or alleged “marginalized” people, because only rich, elite white people can save them!
How about this as a possible reason for the red wave in Florida; people love Ron Desantis. He has done an excellent job with Florida, and their people know it. Perhaps Latinos are also done with having radical policies like CRT, the sexualization of children, and the lgbtq air force rammed down their throats? It should be noted that South Florida has a heavy Cuban population, and they CERTAINLY aren’t down with how many on the left sympathize with Communists like Fidel Castro. That’s still a touchy subject for them.
The Latino vote is not the same everywhere! There are huge generational differences and in Florida population of older voters (more likely Rs) much larger than younger. Socialism does not play there. And there is a massive disinformation problem in Spanish language media.
— Jen Psaki (@jrpsaki) November 9, 2022
Excuses are like a certain orifice on the body that everyone has and doesn’t smell very good. Psaki makes herself look like a giant one with these statements. She can make all the excuses for losing Florida and the Latino vote, but certainly she isn’t helping the Dems case by essentially calling Florida Latino’s stupid.
“Fox & Friends Weekend” co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy explained this situation beautifully.
“Patronizing white lady says Hispanics who vote Republican are ignorant, gullible victims of disinformation.”
Maybe Florida has an outstanding Republican governor who has won the support of a record number of Latinos. Whether or not the Democrats want to admit it, that’s exactly he case.
Perhaps Peppermint Psaki should have stayed with the White House. At least when she made stupid, ill-informed statements and told lies they were for her boss. Psaki was actually pretty good at that, unlike the new girl KJP. Either way, this certainly isn’t going to play well in Florida, and hopefully Latino voters nationwide will realize which party actually values them and works for them. Hint; it ain’t the left.