On Tuesday, Twitter CEO Elon Musk took a shot at Wikipedia after news broke that the company is considering deleting the “Twitter Files” from their site because the editors deemed it a “nothing burger” because the media didn’t report on it.
“Wikipedia is voting on the deletion of the entry for Elon Musk’s Twitter Files because the editors have deemed it a “nothing burger” that is “not notable” because the media didn’t give it enough coverage,” reported Ian Miles Cheong on Twitter. “These people work hand in hand with the MSM to shape the narrative.”
Elon Musk responded to the news by calling out Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales:
Most of Earth: “The MSM is biased.”
Wikipedia: “Cite MSM source to confirm this claim.” 🤣🤣
Wikipedia has a non-trivial left-wing bias.
, what are your thoughts?
Most of Earth: “The MSM is biased.”
Wikipedia: “Cite MSM source to confirm this claim.” 🤣🤣Wikipedia has a non-trivial left-wing bias.@jimmy_wales, what are your thoughts?
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) December 6, 2022
My reaction:
“Wikipedia is considering removing the “Twitter Files” from their site because it is “not notable” since the media didn’t report on it. Isn’t this exactly what Twitter did to cover up for the Biden’s during the election?”
Wikipedia is considering removing the “Twitter Files” from their site because it is “not notable” since the media didn’t report on it.
Isn’t this exactly what Twitter did to cover up for the Biden’s during the election?
— Collin Rugg (@CollinRugg) December 6, 2022
Follow me on Twitter @CollinRugg!
Musk has been vocal about his opposition of the left-wing mainstream media. Over the weekend, Musk blasted the New York Times, calling them an “unregistered lobbying firm for the Democratic Party.
“That is because The New York Times has become, for all intents and purposes, an unregistered lobbying firm for far left politicians,” the billionaire said.
Clay Travis weighed in on the topic before Musk responded, saying:
Remember one of the biggest, if not the biggest, powers of media is deciding which stories to cover. If you just read @nytimes & @washingtonpost, as tens of millions do, you’d have no idea about last night’s news on this site. The vast majority of Americans don’t use Twitter.
Whatever your politics are, if you’re in media and you don’t think new revelations about the most severe censorship of a newspaper’s story in big tech history isn’t a story worthy of covering you aren’t a journalist you’re a propagandist.
Follow me on Twitter @CollinRugg!