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Kayleigh McEnany Makes Huge Announcement From The Beach



America’s sweetheart and Trump’s former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany just posted a video on Twitter that she recorded on the beach, discussing in the short video her forthcoming book and how she hopes it will provide some hope during dark and chaotic times. Watch that video here:

As you can hear in the video, McEnany, speaking about the book and what she hopes that it will provide, said:

“Do you know the news, it’s behind this white piece of paper?  Do you know the news?… Okay, so here’s the news. I am very excited to announce that I have another book coming out, which I’m very pumped for. And if I can figure out how to turn this around, I’ll show you the cover for the first time. Here we go. Here’s the cover reveal for book number, well, it’s number three. But the second in recent memory. Here we go. There’s the cover reveal. Right?

“‘Serenity in the Storm: Living through Chaos by Leaning on Christ‘. Because we are living through chaos.

“Isn’t that true? So the whole theme of the book is it has been a chaotic two years. I mean, look at what Joe Biden has done from Afghanistan. It’s not all about him. This is bigger than any president of Afghanistan, Ukraine, everything going on what’s happening in our schools, the division we feel we’re all divided. 

“It’s a tough time. And this is serenity in the storm. And this shows that there’s something so much bigger than politics so much bigger than any president or political movement. And that is Jesus Christ who as Pastor Rick Warren says he’s already written the end of the story.”

woke bishop

On Amazon, the description of the book states much the same thing as Kayleigh did in the video, saying:

“Kayleigh McEnany brings to life the key cultural and political issues of our time, from the fall of Afghanistan to the Supreme Court’s abortion decision, analyzing world events through the lens of faith and providing readers with Serenity in the Storm. Our world, without question, is experiencing aberrational times. The ravages and life-altering realities of COVID-19 that I worked through as White House press secretary were just the start of it. What followed was a series of history-defining events. From the fall of Afghanistan to the nationwide crime wave, we’ve all endured painful images of death, destruction, and chaos.

“Meanwhile, radical teachings on gender and race have infiltrated our nation’s schools, poisoning the minds of our children—all at a time when our country feels more divided than ever before. Along with these twenty-first-century realities can come a feeling of despair and discouragement. Indeed, I hear it all the time as I crisscross the country: Americans feel disheartened and seek hope. Serenity in the Storm provides that hope. Despite our challenges, there is cause for great optimism for men and women of faith. In Afghanistan, the underground church is thriving. On the key issues of life and liberty, the Supreme Court of the United States has delivered enormous and consequential victories. In our schools, voters have spoken unmistakably against the insidious doctrines of critical race and gender theory. There is no doubt that God is at work as He hears the prayers of the faithful!