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LOL: Even Jimmy Fallon Mocks Biden Following Fauci Retirement Announcement, “Anything You’d LIke to Announce Too?”



It’s always a surprise, albeit a pleasant one, when some inveterate leftist in the mainstream media gets fed up enough with the Democrats to go on the attack against their usual allies and we conservatives are given a respite from the defensive and opportunity to sit with some popcorn and watch the leftists start to eat their own.

Such was the case with Jimmy Fallon, a far-left TV personality who, despite his obvious political leanings, went on the attack against both Biden and Fauci on Monday’s episode of The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon.

Joking about Biden’s trip to Saudi Arabia, Fauci’s announced retirement, and Fauci’s penchant for keeping himself relevant and on the news by announcing new variant after new variant, said:

President Biden held the controversial meeting with the crown prince of Saudi Arabia, but the real controversy was that Biden greeted him with a fist bump. Biden said that wasn’t a fist bump. That was me trying to punch him as hard as I could. Not a great look, it’s like greeting Putin with a chest bump and a bro hug.

“Meanwhile, I read that Dr. Fauci said that he plans to retire by the end of President Biden’s term. And then everyone turned to Biden. Like, ‘Is there anything you’d like to announce too?

“Of course, once he’s gone, Fauci will be replaced by a new, slightly weaker variant.

For reference, Dr. Anthony Fauci recently announced that he plans on retiring by the end of Biden’s term, as CNN reported, saying:

woke bishop

“I have said that for a long time,” Fauci said of his plans to leave government before the end of Biden’s current term, which ends in January 2025.

By the time we get to the end of Biden’s first term, I will very likely (retire),” Fauci said.

[…]Fauci told CNN’s “At This Hour” later Monday that though his recent comments on retirement were interpreted as announcing a retirement plan, he just meant “that it is extremely unlikely — in fact, for sure — that I am not going to be here beyond January 2025.

Adding to that, Fauci said:

Everybody in a position of any influence in my institute, I handpick. So it’s something that I’ve been working on now for four decades. So we have a good system in place.

Obviously, you can’t go on forever. I do want to do other things in my career, even though I’m at a rather advanced age. I have the energy and the passion to continue to want to pursue other aspects of my professional career and I’m going to do that some time. I’m not exactly sure when, but I don’t see myself being in this job to the point where I can’t do anything else after that.

Americans, despite Fallon’s joke, got no such announcement from President Biden, who is (barely) chugging along despite his similarly advanced age and far inferior mental state.

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