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LOL: Jesse Watters SHREDS AOC in Hilarious Monologue



What’s a good sign that you’re marrying the wrong person? That you’re complaining about their race to the entire country in GQ magazine. Perhaps it’s not definite, but it seems reasonable to expect that such isn’t the stuff from which happy marriages are made.

Well, it’s exactly what AOC did during her interview with GQ, commenting that for her, marriage with her now-fiancee was never certain because of his race. What a shocker that the self-centered socialist did that! In any case, here’s how the GQ feature put AOC’s comment:

Ocasio-Cortez told me that she never considered marriage inevitable. Her relationship with Roberts, who is white, raised its own particular questions about identity and belonging: She wasn’t positive that an intercultural, interracial relationship would be the right fit for her. And then there was the fact that their lives had changed so much, so fast. A lot of men, she told me, only believe that they want to be with an independent, successful woman. “The moment you start being yourself, they kind of freak out,” she said. “I think it causes a conflict within them that they didn’t even anticipate. It’s not even a deception. It’s just, they uncover insecurities that they didn’t know were there.”

So she wasn’t sure about him because of his race and paints him as insecure about her success in a famous magazine? Yikes. Not only do we know who wears the pants in that relationship, but things sound very awkward in that house.

Uncomfortable as the situation might be, Fox News host Jesse Watters waded into the issue in a hilarious way during his show, making a joke about her “my critics just want to date me” comment while pointing out the obvious about her husband-to-be, saying:

“Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has now been on more magazine covers than Fauci. We have actually tabulated this and our sources are saying that Fauci is furious and just called ‘Better Homes and Gardens’ to get on their October cover, because today AOC splashed onto the cover of ‘GQ.’ The ‘Primetime’ team was reading through her feature and we stumbled across a bombshell that no one is talking about, probably because they were distracted by all the photos of AOC strutting around the Capitol looking all official in her designer blazers and high heels.

No, AOC, I don’t want to date you, I’m just making an observation. Buried deep inside the article was a stunning admission from the congresswoman. It appears she could be marrying the wrong guy. This guy right here, with his legs crossed and sandals, is AOC’s fiancé. His name, Reilly Roberts. ‘GQ’ writes her relationship with Roberts, who is white, raised its own particular questions about identity and belonging. ‘She wasn’t positive that an intercultural, interracial relationship would be the right fit for her.’

woke bishop

Wait a second. AOC didn’t know she wanted to marry this guy because of race? Are you even allowed to say that? Well, if you ask me, I think there is something much deeper going on here. I mean, we all remember this moment when she was heckled on the steps of the Capitol and her man did nothing about it?”

Yes, it is. Roberts did nothing when AOC was heckled by a troll joking that she was his favorite “big booty Latina.” So she’s getting the sort of soyboy she seems to want, that’s for sure.

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