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LOL: Joy Reid Gets Wrecked After Making Massive Mistake on Air [VIDEO]



Things didn’t go well for MSNBC host Joy Reid when she was interviewing Ibrahim X Kendi and attempting to mock and discredit Sen. Hawley, the stalwart conservative Senator from Missouri. That’s because Joy Reid didn’t get her facts straight ahead of time and ended up humiliating herself with a “self-own,” as conservative commentator Dan Bongino pointed out.

What happened, and this was back in 2021 but it’s just too funny to not point out, was that Reid was interviewing Kendi during her show, “The ReidOout”, and wanted to try to expose Hawley as having misquoted Kendi’s book.

So she played a clip of Hawley reading from Kendi’s book and arguing that it shows Kendi is “opposed to equality under the law”. In Hawley’s words (the bolded portion is the quote from Kendi’s How to Be An Anti-Racist):

The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.” That’s right, that’s what he said. Think about that for a moment. He’s saying that he’s opposed to equality under the law. Dr. Kendi and his followers are in no uncertain terms advocating for state-sanctioned racism.

So Reid played that clip and then invited Kendi to thrash Sen. Hawley for misquoting Kendi, saying:

O.K., now given the fact that they can’t seem to quote Dr. King accurately. I’m going to assume that they’re misquoting you or giving the wrong context.

Thing is, it wasn’t a fake quote. It was a real quote…from page 19 of Kendi’s book. Kendi wrote[R]acial discrimination is not inherently racist. … The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination.”

woke bishop

Here’s the clip of Reid making a fool of herself:

So that was awkward. And Dan Bongino used it to mercilessly mock Reid, saying:

“OK, hold on. We have had some epic classic moments on this show, you know, poking fun at media people but this one takes the cake. Joy Reid, who could have simply gone to a search engine, looked up the quote that Josh Hawley read on the floor there. But she didn’t do it. It’s her show, folks. She wasn’t a guest. It’s her show!”

Continuing, Bongino went on to point out that all Reid would have had to do is look up the quote to see if it was accurate beforehand. But she didn’t. So she looked like a fool. In Bongino’s words:

“Unfortunately for MSNBC, Senator Hawley quoted Kendi accurately. On page 19 of his book, How to be an Antiracist. Look, all they had to do, Reid’s programmers, was look it up. A search engine would have nailed it. How did you miss that? It’s her show, holy Moses!”

“[Reid] may not be the silver winner yet in the dopey media personality Olympics, the talking head Olympics, but she is really giving it a go. She’s training, you know, like Rocky, she’s running, she’s jumping over the park benches, she’s bench pressing. Remember Rocky’s got the log on his back…my God, it’s her show.”

Watch Bongino rip into Reid here.
