Maxine Waters Denies Being a Socialist, Gets Humiliated to Her Face as Chip Roy Reads Her Own Quote
During a discussion this week about “Denouncing the Horrors of Socialism” put on by the House Rules Committee, GOP Representative Chip Roy humiliated Democrat congresswoman Maxine Waters.
The moment came as Roy accused Waters of being a socialist.
After Waters denied being a socialist, Roy pulled out a piece of paper and started reading Waters a quote that she herself had made in the past.
“I’ve got one question for for ranking member Waters,” Roy said as he addressed Waters. “In a 2008 hearing you said, ‘And guess what this liberal will be all about, this liberal will be all about socializing ,would be about basically taking over the government and the government running all of your companies.'”
Waters tried to dance around answering the question however Roy was not backing down.
“Do you denounce your previous statement then and do you not accept that previous statement?” he asked.
“I am not a socialist,” Waters said. “I’m a capitalist. And I commit to you that I am here to save Social Security, to save Medicare, to save seniors and veterans and for some of you who have adopted certain kind of ways that you support what you now claim is socialism, I’m here to say to you: Come on.”
Roy then pulled out his paper to quote Waters.
“So this liberal will be all about socializing, will be all about basically taking over and the government running, all of your companies. You disagree with that? You now denounce that statement?” Roy asked.
“I am not a socialist,” Waters said.