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New Poll Spells Disaster For Democrats As GOP Leads On Key Issue By Historic Margin



The latest poll from Gallup has shown that the Democrat Party may have been led by its far-left radical base into a politically untenable, ‘no-win’ scenario against the GOP. As the pollster described its findings, “The two major political parties remain unpopular in the U.S.,” but the Republican party is, by a wide margin, more trusted on the two core issues of any American election: the economy and national defense.

The headline from the pollster read: “Historically Ample Leads for Republicans.”

According to Gallup, while 56% of the American people polled expressed an unfavorable opinion of the Republican Party, the GOP managed to eke out a narrow win here with the Democratic Party being considered unfavorable by 58% of those polled. Even a 2-point win in this regard is still a win.

But where the GOP truly broke away and left stunned Democrats likely reeling were in the areas of safeguarding America’s prosperity and national security.

“Americans currently see Republicans as the party better equipped to manage these challenges, which could enhance Republicans’ position in promoting their agenda in Washington in the near term,” Gallup said.

Gallup found,

“Fifty-three percent of Americans believe the Republican Party will do a better job of keeping the country prosperous over the next few years, whereas 39% choose the Democratic Party.

A slightly larger majority, 57%, have greater faith in the Republican Party to protect the country from international terrorism and military threats, while 35% favor the Democrats.”

The 14-point and 22-point margins respectively are nearly unprecedented in modern American politics. For the “prosperity” question the GOP has seen a four-point jump in just the calendar year and the widest margin since 1991. On military matters and leadership in U.S. national security the GOP has dominated this reading with the exception of two polls since 2002, but this is far and away one of the widest margins in recent history.

Another interesting, if subjective, measure posed to the American public is “Which political party do you think can do a better job of handling the problem you think is most important?” without specifying a topic. The economy, bad governance and/or poor leadership, and illegal immigration led the responses to the open-ended question. And the Republican party commanded a firm lead with 44%, while Democrats only polled at 36% while 20% of those polled stated no preference.

The poll conducted by Gallup was completed between Sep. 1-23 from a sample of 1,016 American adults with a 4% margin of error.

In an earlier poll from Gallup, the outlook on the economy under Democrat leadership is indeed grim with only  20% of U.S. adults saying that economic conditions in the nation are either “excellent” or “good.” Meanwhile, 32% of those polled consider them “only fair.” And catastrophically, a near-majority of 48% consider the outlook “poor.”

The outlet noted, “The overall positive rating is down slightly from 23% in August, while the poor rating is up from 42% and is the highest Gallup has seen in a year.”

Lydia Saad writing for Gallup gave the pollster’s utterly damning “bottom line” conclusion: “The nation has been in a protracted period since 2010 where Americans have generally viewed both major parties unfavorably. Yet, with the parties dominating U.S. politics at every level, which party Americans put greater trust in to handle the most basic responsibilities of government — ensuring economic security and safety from military threats — could influence how Americans vote in elections.”

Saad added, “Americans currently see Republicans as the party better equipped to manage these challenges, which could enhance Republicans’ position in promoting their agenda in Washington in the near term,” but cautioned: “Gallup’s trends show that party advantages often change in the span of a year, thus making these indicators of limited value in forecasting what the public’s mood will be at the time of the next presidential election.”

Good polling can be a transient thing and the whims of the American people, particularly moderates, can be fickle. However, at present, the will of the people seems to support decisive GOP action.