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Photo Of Raging Mad Twitter Headquarter Employees Listening To Elon Musk Talk Goes Viral



Elon Musk, billionaire entrepreneur and CEO of Tesla, is officially the owner of Twitter and while proponents of free speech are celebrating today because it looks like many of the company’s controversial policies of censorship will be done away with, the radical left who just love to silence folks who have different opinions than their own are steaming mad.

And this was made pretty clear thanks to a new photograph that is going viral on Twitter featuring employees at company headquarters seething while listening to Musk speak.

“Entering Twitter HQ – let that sink in!” stated a caption for a video that Musk tweeted where he walked into the Twitter office carrying a sink. Just a few hours before the video the Tesla CEO seemed to hint that he was going to soon be the top bird at the company after he updated his bio to say, “Chief Twit.”

Twitter itself then confirmed Musk would be paying a visit to office headquarters in San Francisco this week, however, they did not comment any further.

“Banks have started to send $13 billion in cash backing Musk’s takeover of Twitter in a sign that the deal is on track to close by the end of the week, the Wall Street Journal reported, citing people familiar with the matter,” Missy Crane wrote for WayneDupree.Com.

Crane continued, “Once final closing conditions are met, the funds will be made available for Musk to execute the transaction by the Friday deadline, the report added.”

Both Bank of America and Barclays had declined to provide comment on the report when Reuters reached out to them, while Morgan Stanley simply didn’t reply to any requests at all.

woke bishop

While Musk was at headquarters, a few employees gathered around to hear him speak, and their facial expressions immediately let you know that they are not at all looking forward to him taking over the company.

Doesn’t that young lady just look absolutely thrilled to hear the new boss talk? Take a look at that dude behind her and the scowl he’s giving off. Who comes to a meeting with earPods in? How rude can you possibly be? Sure, he could have whatever he’s listening to paused, but you can’t know that unless you ask.

Here’s a sample of what some folks are saying online about the photo:

“I would be excited to meet Elon Musk. What is wrong with her?”

“Their faces are like manna for my soul. Their anguish sustains and nourishes me. Seethe on commies, seethe on.”

“I’m wondering, is it the fact that they may not be able to work from home anymore or that they can’t censor ideas they don’t agree with? I’d be upset about no WFH but not the other.”

“Look at the body language on those people.”

“How can she ban anyone when she’s in the lobby? She mad”

“Oh my lord, this is so good!!” 

“What is so amusing to me is how the rest of us have had to take mandatory ‘Inclusion’ and ‘Diversity’ and ‘Equity’ HR training and live under strict progressive social rules at work and have for YEARS…”

“Oh my God, she’s so mad that she won’t be able to ban people willy nilly anymore lmao I love it” 

“I have been waiting for YEARS to see these sad, depressed and angry looks on these people’s faces. This is wonderful” 

You just know that if Elon Musk gets a hold of this photograph he’s going to wisecrack about it. And that’s perfectly okay. You have to have a sense of humor in order to survive this life, especially in the 21st century. Just imagine all of the images that are going to float around when Musk releases former President Donald Trump from the digital gulag? It’s going to be so entertaining.