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Piers Morgan Eats a Steak In Front of Vegan Protester During Hysterical Interview



During a hysterical interview, BBC host Piers Morgan ate a steak in front of Animal Rebellion spokesperson Nathan McGovern, who is known for a recent stunt where he pours milk on supermarket floors.

“I don’t like vegans very much. I don’t think any of you are very healthy,” Morgan bluntly said to McGovern.

“I’m not surprised by that, Piers,” the protester responded.

“I think you all look pretty pasty-faced and unhealthy to me. But that’s your choice,” Morgan added. “What I don’t do is I don’t go running into vegan restaurants and start screaming abuse at you all and have to be pulled out by people because you’re ruining everyone’s fun. Why do you do that to meat eaters?”

Morgan went on, “[Vegan protesters] have no respect for meat eaters. But if we were doing the same thing to them, they’d all go nuts. … If I came into your little vegan hellholes and began screaming abuse, you’d all throw your toys out of the pram, as you do on a daily basis.”

“You see, all you’ve achieved is — you’ve made me want to do this,” Morgan said as he took a bite out of his steak.

“That’s absolutely fine. You go for it,” McSoy said, trying not to care.

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“But here’s my point: I love eating steak. I’m not gonna stop eating steak. And the very last thing on earth that will stop me eating steak is people like you with your pasty faces running into our restaurants, telling us to stop eating steak,” Morgan said. “Because you don’t represent to me vitality or good health. You just all look like you want a good bit of steak.”


Manchester Evening News reported on the event that led to the interview between Morgan and McGovern:

Shortly before 7pm, and to the applause of diners, the protesters were carried out of the restaurant, which serves gold-plated steaks costing up to £1,450, and put on the pavement outside.

They said they targeted the restaurant because it is symbolic of a “broken system”, with millions using food banks while influencer chefs make money from food with a high environmental impact. The Metropolitan Police said the protest was reported but the demonstrators left before officers were sent out.


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