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“Polling Up there with Monkeypox”: Hilarious Fox News Panel DESTROYS Brandon



There’s the saying that goes “I need [x bad thing] like I need a bullet in the head.” Well, Townhall’s most hilarious columnist, Kurt Schlichter, might have just come up with an even better version of that: I need a case of monkeypox like I need President Biden.

That’s not actually what Schlichter said. But it’s close. He, when discussing the various missteps and incompetent steps taken by the Biden regime on a Fox News panel, joked that President Slow Joe Biden is polling at around the same level as monkeypox. Though perhaps a touch of an overstatement, it sure seems true. In his words:

“Look, Sean, this isn’t happening because they’re winning. This is happening because they’re losing and they’re desperate. Look at the approval polls. Biden is polling right up there with monkeypox. Okay?

“These guys, you know, these guys lost in Virginia, they’re losing at the school boards. Hispanic Americans are flocking to the Republican Party because it’s the party of faith, family and the flag, just like Hispanic Americans love. They are desperate. And the problem is, when somebody’s desperate, he does stupid things.”

And indeed Brandon has done stupid things. Hundreds of billions spent on student loan forgiveness. The Mar-a-Lago raid. The disaster of a trip to Saudi Arabia. And so on…Brandon’s reign as president has gone about as poorly as could possibly have been expected.

But Schlichter wasn’t the only one on the panel to take a hammer to the Biden regime disaster. Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk did as well. He blasted Biden’s recent claim that many MAGA Republicans are semi-fascist with a vengeance, saying:

“So unfortunately I do expect the kind of violence to continue. We have to remain peaceful on our side. But I do think if they’re going to escalate the language then game on. Like okay. If you’re going to call us a bunch of fascists, we’re not going to take that anymore, you’re the fascist Joe Biden and other words as well.

free hat

We’re not going back to I would like to go back to 2014. That’s over and done. They’re calling you the worst thing that can be called in decent political conversation. And what are we going to do? We need to find a common ground. No, we have to win. We have to displace these people from power right now.” 

Sean Duffy, also on the panel, focused on the same comment of Biden’s as Kirk, sayingThis is not the first time Democrats talk like this. Go back to Barack Obama when he said Republicans cling to their bibles and their guns or Hillary Clinton called Republicans or Trump supporters a basket of deplorables.”

All in all, it was an excellent takedown of the Biden regime, which might be America’s worst ever. And that’s included the Ulysses Grant corruption disaster, the George W. Bush warmongering police state, and the Barack Obama desecration of all America stands for. However bad those guys were, Brandon seems somehow worse. No wonder he’s about as popular as monkeypox.

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