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Ridiculous: Greasy Gavin Makes Absurd Claim about GOP Intentions



California’s tyrannical governor, Greasy Gavin Newsom, obviously has 2024 presidential ambitions, ambitions made obvious not only by his visit to the White House when Slow Joe was out of town and traveling to the Middle East, but also by his continual wading into the national political scene and culture wars.

He made another one of those comments recently, viciously attacking the GOP and demanding that Democrats wake up to the “ruthlessness” of Republicans.

That comment came when Newsom did an interview with Elex Michealson, a Fox 11 Los Angeles anchor, and used that interview to call on Democrats to do more to  “organize with more ferocity of focus” and wake up to Republican “ruthlessness.”

Speaking with Michealson on the topic of organization, one in which he didn’t mince words when referring to what Democrats need to be doing but did largely shy away from direct attacks on Democrat leadership, Newsom said:

I think ways to advance the collective cause, and that’s where the party needs to come in. Democrats need the Democratic Party, not the president, not a speaker, not an elected officeholder.

“The party, the infrastructure, I think, has to organize with more ferocity of focus, more determination to set the agenda, set the course, and put the other party on the defense.

Continuing, Newsom turned from his assault on how Democrats are currently acting to what he perceives the GOP as doing, particularly in the media and narrative realm, saying:

woke bishop

They are dominating the narrative. The facts aren’t on their side, but they’re dominating there. And in this world right now, you dominate the narrative, you win. And that’s what I’m worried about and that’s what I’m expressing.”

Moving on but staying focused on a similar line of attack, Newsom then called on Democrats to wake up, saying “right now we’re up against the ruthlessness of the Republican Party.”

Giving evidence for that supposed “ruthlessness”, Newsom then went on to claim that Republicans are rolling back rights, saying:

“You see what’s happening to all the progress we’ve made in the 21st century, all of the rights that we in many ways have taken for granted that have been afforded since the sixties are being rolled back in real time.

“This is a totally different moment, and we have to wake up with a different mindset and not just old mindset in terms of just a collaborative mindset, a cup of tea, and everyone’s going to work together to get along.”

The note about the 60s is an obvious way of his bringing up abortion while connecting that issue with the Civil Rights movement, which also occurred then, something meant to make the anti-abortion Dobbs decision seem “ruthless” rather than like common sense.

Newsom’s comments might seem absurd to Republicans, most of whom have long seen the Democrats as far more “ruthless” than the GOP, but they’re important in that they show Newsom’s larger political aspirations and desire to dominate the Democrat narrative in the runup to 2024.

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