In a groundbreaking announcement, Angel Studios, the powerhouse behind the blockbuster hit ‘Sound of Freedom,’ has officially acquired worldwide rights to the anticipated feature film ‘Possum Trot.’ Set to hit the screens on July 4, 2024, the film narrates the heartwarming true story of an East Texas church’s revolutionary approach to solving the foster care crisis.
‘Possum Trot’ is brought to life under the executive production of Letitia Wright, renowned for her role in Black Panther and the founder of 3.16 Productions. The film is a collaborative effort, directed by Joshua Weigel, known for The Butterfly Circus, and co-written alongside Rebekah Weigel. Joshua and Rebekah also serve as the film’s producers under their banner, Peacetree Productions.
The film’s narrative centers around the Martin family and their small congregation at Bennett Chapel in the quaint town of Possum Trot, East Texas. The community came together to adopt seventy-seven of the most challenging children from the local foster care system, sparking a national movement to support vulnerable children that persists to this day.
Director Joshua Weigel said, “The Martin family and this community have shown us a solution to the foster crisis. They’re fighters and we believe this film will catalyze others to courageously follow their lead. I’m honored they asked us to tell their story, and that Angel Studios is bringing ‘Possum Trot’ to the world.”
Jared Geesey, Chief Distribution Officer of Angel Studios, alluded to the film’s potential to make a significant impact, drawing parallels to Sound of Freedom’s success in raising awareness about trafficking.
“Last July 4, ‘Sound of Freedom’ brought issues of trafficking to the attention of millions, and we know that a staggering percentage of children from foster care become targets for trafficking. We hope to continue to build on that awareness and shine light on the next step this Independence Day,” Geesey remarked.
‘Sound of Freedom’ had a significant impact at the box office, reflecting its compelling narrative and the public’s interest in the subject matter it addresses. Given the sensitivity and relevance of its theme—child trafficking—the film attracted audiences interested in social issues and the real-life heroism depicted in the story of Tim Ballard and Operation Underground Railroad.