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Swalwell Goes Berserk, Savagely Attacks Parents that Want to Help Educate Their Kids



Joining the list of crazy Democrats saying things that they probably shouldn’t if they want to be at all popular outside of the blue hair, nose rings, and iced mocha latte crowd is Congressman Eric Swalwell, the one who was sleeping with a Chinese spy named Fang Fang.

Congressman Swalwell, perhaps upset at being miffed by Fang Fang after she fled the country to avoid the FBI, went on an angry Twitter rant in which he savagely tore into American parents for daring to think that they should have a role in the education of their children.

That came when Swalwell posted an image of South Carolina Senator Tim Scott saying “We are putting parents back in charge of their kids’ education.”

Swalwell, reacting quite strongly against that idea, said:

Please tell me what I’m missing here. What are we doing next? Putting patients in charge of their own surgeries? Clients in charge of their own trials? When did we stop trusting experts. This is so stupid.

While the quote from Senator Scott came after his midterm election victory, the fight for reasonable education has been an issue he has focused on as the left’s growing control of our education system has become more and more obvious.

Back in August, for example, he introduced the Raising Expectations with Child Opportunity Vouchers for Educational Recovery (RECOVER) Act to empower parents to solve the learning loss crisis facing today’s students, saying:

woke bishop

States and school districts have only spent a fraction of the education funds they received through the Democrats’ American Rescue Plan — leaving kids helpless as they struggle to recover from academic setbacks.

“It’s clear that big-government bailouts won’t solve our education crisis. That’s why the RECOVER Act allows those funds to flow to a much better steward: parents. I urge all of my colleagues to join me on this bill that would empower parents to help their kids thrive once again.

Congress Owens, a Utah Republican who helped Senator Scott push the project by introducing a similar bill in the House of Representatives, said:

“As pandemic learning loss continues to crush the academic progress of millions of students across the country, only 7% of the so-called solution – $122 billion in American Rescue Plan funding – has been spent.

“Not only is our nation falling behind as a leader in education, but our one-size-fits-all system is leaving our most vulnerable kids behind and pushing parents out of the driver’s seat. I am proud to introduce the RECOVER Act with Senator Scott to bring parents off the sidelines of their kid’s education by allowing states to reallocate billions in unspent dollars so that low-income students can receive the targeted support they need to reach their God-given potential.

But Swalwell, apparently, hates that idea and the idea that parents should be involved in making sure weirdos don’t warp the minds of their kids. Maybe he should go back to the arms of his CCP lover and leave education to reasonable people.
