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The Amount Of Cash Biden Wants To Hand Over To Iran In New Deal Is Shocking



President Joe Biden, like his good old buddy former President Barack Obama, is very, very excited to lick the boots of the leading state sponsor of terrorism in the world, but instead of shipping the current Iranian regime billions of dollars on pallets, they could end up with a staggering $1 trillion by the year 2030.

That’s if the nuclear deal that Biden is working on ends up going through.

When I read stuff like this, I have to wonder who is really calling the shots. Is Biden really this inept, this downright stupid? Does he not care about the national security ramifications of doing business with Iran, a nation that gets its kicks by wishing our nation death and destruction? Does he really not care about the potential dangers this deal poses for our allies in the Middle East?

Or is he spaced out in his room eating chocolate ice cream and sticking to a strict nap schedule while some maniac calls the shots on our foreign policy?

Either option is terrifying.

The Daily Wire is reporting, “A report by Saeed Ghasseminejad of The Foundation for Defense of Democracies projects the deal would ensure the Iran regime $275 billion in financial benefits during its first year and $1 trillion by 2030.”

woke bishop

Naftali Bennett, the former prime minister of Israel, went on to say, “This agreement will send approximately a quarter of a trillion dollars to the Iranian terror administration’s pocket and to its regional proxies and will enable Iran to develop, install and operate centrifuges, with almost no restrictions, in a mere two years.”

This deal will most definitely put Israel in danger, as Iran has made it clear they hate the Jewish nation and wish to see its utter destruction.

After an official with the administration made the claim that the Iranian regime, “came back last week and basically dropped the main hang-ups to a deal,” FDD Ceo Mark Dubowitz then stated, “Iran won most of demands. US agreed: To severely weak IRGC economic sanctions. To let IAEA investigation run separately so Grossi forced to issue inconclusive report. Files will be quietly closed. To pay $11B for US hostages before deal implementation.”

Check out more details from the Daily Wire report:

Meanwhile, the Iran regime is declaring that no nuclear deal will be signed unless the International Atomic Energy continues to investigate undeclared nuclear sites. IAEA Director-General Rafael Grossi told CNN, “So far, Iran has not given us the technically credible explanations that we need to explain the origin of many traces of uranium; the presence of equipment at places. … Let us have an explanation. If there was nuclear material there, where is it now? If there was equipment there, where is it now?”

“No deal will be implemented before the IAEA Board of Governors PERMANENTLY closes the false accusations file,” Seyed Mohammad Marandi, a spokesman for the Iranian regime’s negotiating team, snapped in a tweet, adding, “Iran’s nuclear program will not be dismantled,” as The Jerusalem Post reported on Tuesday.

“The EU sent Iran a final offer, which does not comport with the principles to which the Americans committed, and established that the offer was ‘take it or leave it.’ Iran refuses the offer, and therefore the time has come to get up and go. Anything else sends a message of weakness,” Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapid said, according to a report from the Post.

It should go without saying, but since this whole thing is a really, really bad idea that puts millions and millions of people in danger, it probably shouldn’t be done.

But that won’t stop this foolish administration.