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These Corporations Hate Women And Their Action Towards Abortion and Maternity Leave Proves it



Hulu, a Disney company, surreptitiously reduced its maternal and paternity vacation from 20 weeks to eight weeks after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. This is particular suspicious as dozens of big U.S. firms, including the Walt Disney Company, vowed to pay out-of-state abortions for its female employees.

Based on recent findings from the Society for Human Resource Management, as published by The Wall Street Journal, it seems that Hulu is not alone in reducing support for working parents. For reasons including confronting inflation, anticipating a recession, and trying to re-establish pre-pandemic standards, the percentage of the 3,000 businesses polled by SHRM that give paid maternity leave beyond what is necessary by law declined from 53% in 2020 to 35% in 2022. 

Where was this fiscal savvy and sense of urgency in June when HR departments at these Fortune 500 companies and Wall Street giants were falling all over themselves to ensure the deaths of innocent fetuses so that they could retain women working? 

It’s become very evident that the ideological left and its organizational supporters, like big business, have no interest in assisting or supporting moms ever since the Dobbs v. Jackson ruling. 

Consider this, leftists like Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren have called for the closure of pregnancy clinics despite the reality that nearly two out of three Americans approve public funding for them. 

woke bishop

The federal government exhibited little to no interest in investigating or punishing the threats made by extremist pro-abortionists under the moniker “Jane’s Revenge,” who physically attacked scores of clinics, congregations, and pro-life institutions dedicated to helping pregnant women. 

Democrats asked that Big Tech eliminate search results for women’s clinics, which they falsely label as “fake clinics,” instead of decrying the attacks on these institutions, which serve the disadvantaged women that abortion activists regularly cite. Democratic governors like Michigan’s Gretchen Whitmer have actually reduced funding for prenatal care in their states.

While the Republican states care for newborns and mothers, the Biden administration and blue legislators are trying to legitimize extremist views on abortion. 

It’s reasonable to suppose that there will be an increase in pregnant women, particularly young women, seeking support and care for a baby they would have contemplated aborting due to fast action by numerous Republican states to restrict or outlaw abortion. However, the left’s growing hostility against pregnant women isn’t going to benefit those women. 

It’s common knowledge that it’s more cost-effective for businesses to pay for abortions in other states than providing new moms in the workforce with the time off they need to care for their newborns while still contributing financially to the family. This is why so many businesses have policies that discourage women from having children and are eliminating those that support a mother’s choice to have a kid while still working. 

The left loves to say that abortion is about women having the “freedom to choose,” but this is false. Isn’t there something to say about women who consciously decide to get or remain pregnant? They see nothing but hostility from the political left.