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Town Shoots Down Planned Parenthood Request For Permit; Here’s How The Abortion Mill Responded



The organization most famous for mass baby murder, Planned Parenthood, is apparently suing a town in upstate New York after they rejected the abortion provider’s permit for a clinic in a town plaza.

According to the Daily Wire, the Henrietta Town Board had a vote back in June where they decided 3-2 to shoot down requests for a permit by Planned Parenthood, to put in a clinic at the Jefferson Plaza, which is located in the city of Rochester. The clinic was planning to offer abortions up to 13.6 weeks.

Three Republicans on the board, M. Rick Page, Joseph Bellanca, and Lisa Bolzner, all voted against issuing the permit based on the zoning criteria, they went on to reveal.

Here’s more information from the Daily Wire report:

“A surgical medical facility” is “completely inconsistent” with the purpose and character of Jefferson Plaza, the board members said in a resolution document, according to the Democrat & Chronicle, adding that the Republicans also noted that the location lacks space for vehicles picking up patients from procedures or patients needing ambulance transport.

Now, Planned Parenthood is suing the town, claiming it was denied a permit based on personal opinions.

The abortion group is seeking an overturning of the June permit vote, the town to shell out for Planned Parenthood’s legal fees, and to be granted monetary damages for an unspecified amount.

“The decision issued by the Henrietta Town Board in June was deeply disappointing,” Planned Parenthood regional CEO Michelle Casey said. “Planned Parenthood of Central and Western New York (PPCWNY) believes that all people should have the power to determine the course of their own life, and we are committed to providing the communities we serve with a full range of high-quality sexual and reproductive health services and education.”

“Throughout this process, we have said that we would be exploring all of the options available to us to expand services in Brighton/Henrietta. It is with this in mind that PPCWNY has filed an Article 78 proceeding and is suing the Town of Henrietta,” Casey went on to add. “All people — no matter where they live — deserve the right to control their own body and future.”

The reaction of the townsfolk in Rochester is a bit mixed, with pro-life residents shredding the idea of having an abortion mill located in their area.

“Just morally, I’m against it and I think citizens of the community have a right to say ‘No, we don’t believe in that in this community’ and not support businesses we don’t like,” Julie Rohn, a young woman who protested against Planned Parenthood being granted the permit, said.

woke bishop

“It is a human,” resident Nathanael Woodworth proclaimed, speaking of pre-born children. “It’s not a cluster of cells and it’s terrifying. Honestly, if you could hear the baby scream, I’m sure everybody hands down, would stop this process. It’s a life.”

“You know, it’s good to be alive and everybody that’s pro-abortion is alive,” Woodworht added. “I mean, how many doctors and lawyers and politicians have we killed?”

Aside from the zoning issues, an abortion mill is something that residents of any town should fight tooth and nail against. This is a place where pre-born children are slaughtered, offered up to the false gods of convenience, each and every single day.

These clinics are murder mills and nothing more. Many of the folks who work there actually enjoy what they do. They know they are killing human beings and some of these sickos actually revel in it.

We must not abide this evil in our midst. Taking action to keep Planned Parenthood out of our communities is the right path to take.