VP Kamala Harris Is Apparently Not A Big Fan Of 18-24 Year Olds; Check Out What She Said
Well, Vice President Kamala Harris is back in the news again, and as usual, it’s for saying something absurd. It seems a clip from 2015 has resurfaced and is making its way around the Internet after being shared by conservative news outlet the Daily Wire. In the video, Harris slams voters between the ages of 18-24 as being stupid.
No, that’s not made up. She really did say it. Which is a pretty bad take, both then and now, as the vast majority of hardcore left-wingers who are voting in elections for the Democratic Party are folks in this age range. They are the ones progressives have been investing so much time and energy indoctrinating for years and years now, hoping to churn out an entire generation of loyal liberals. Kind of seems dumb to insult the future of your political party.
Kamala on 18-24 year olds: “What else do we know about this population? … They are stupid!” pic.twitter.com/M31a0GlXby
— Daily Wire (@realDailyWire) November 14, 2022
“What else do we know about this population, 18 through 24? They are stupid. That is why we put them in dormitories. And they have a resident assistant. They make really bad decisions,” Harris said at the time.
Wow. Just wow. And yet, young people came out of the woodwork to vote for her and creepy Uncle Joe Biden. It’s unbelievable to think the younger generation would actually support a pair of politicians who think so lowly of them. I mean, you have Biden who’s trying to feel up and sniff every underage girl he can find, and then you have Harris, the first woman vice president, running young voters through the proverbial meat grinder. It’s not a good look.
Here are a few responses to the video that were posted on Twitter.
“When you accidentally say exactly what you’re thinking…oops. Happens to me alllll the time. Except not by accident, completely on purpose,” one user said.
Another posted, “Profoundly inappropriate. She should be ashamed.”
“she said everything short of ‘like voting for me.”
“Usually when she speaks, she speaks slowly and repeats words and doesn’t always make sense but when she’s speaking hear the words just flow and she gets to the point quickly. What’s the deal?“
Usually when she speaks, she speaks slowly and repeats words and doesn’t always make sense but when she’s speaking hear the words just flow and she gets to the point quickly. What’s the deal?
— Katie Harrop (@harrop_katie) November 14, 2022
I think the “deal” here is that she’s just delivering a talk, saying what she really thinks and believes. As the vice president, it behooves her to at least try and be diplomatic, which she’s terrible at, and that might be why she often tosses out word salad after word salad. That’s my take on it, anyways.
“We know that because they voted for her.”
We know that because they voted for her.
— baranoww (@WBaranowski) November 14, 2022
At the end of the day, young people need to see this clip. What many of them don’t seem to understand is that they have been brainwashed and indoctrinated to think that liberalism is the good guy in this fight. To the left they are nothing more than pawns to help them rise to power and then keep power by transforming them into foot soldier activists.
Nowhere in their twisted worldview do they actually value the youth of this country. But they have their meat hooks sunk so deeply into them that they cannot seem to escape.