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WATCH: American Confronts Adam Schiff, Orders Him To RETIRE In An Airport



An irate constituent confronted Congressman Adam Schiff (D-CA) while he waited to board an airplane, telling the Democrat and U.S. Senate candidate that he is a “sick man” who should retire from politics in the best interest of the American people.

Alex Bruesewitz, a pro-Trump operative, claimed he “ran into” the California Democrat at a local airport and didn’t think twice about confronting him for “how often you lie to the American people.” A short video of the encounter taken by a bystander and posted by Bruesewitz captured the moment.

“I think that you should be ashamed of yourself for how often you lie to the American people. So, just wanted to say that,” he said as Rep. Schiff nodded along. “I hope you lose your Senate race which it’s looking like you will, and I hope you retire from American politics because you’re a sick man. Thank you.”

“Nice to meet you,” Schiff replies lamely before turning around to face the cameraman for one departing shot.

“And thank you for costing him a lot of legal fees with your subpoena,” said the filmer.

In a follow-up post, Bruesewitz added that Rep. Schiff “should’ve been expelled from Congress a long time ago.”

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Rep. Schiff, who chaired the powerful Judiciary Committee from 2019 to 2022, previously sent out dozens of subpoenas during the Democrats’ investigation into the January 6th, 2021 breach at the Capitol building according to The Western Journal. Many went to regular citizens like Bruesewitz, who wrote in June, “Adam Schiff knowingly sent out BS subpoenas to dozens of innocent citizens. Forcing people to spend fortunes to defend themselves. Not just with the Russian collusion big lie, but also with the sham January 6th committee. Schiff used both of those lies to personally enrich himself and gain political notoriety.”

In November, Rep. Schiff joined 24 Democratic House colleagues in signing an open letter accusing X owner Elon Musk of perpetuating antisemitic and violent content on his platform, particularly related to Israel’s ongoing war against Hamas. Bruesewitz linked to an Infowars story detailing how the coalition suggested Musk profits off such content and ordered him to produce records about how X moderates questionable material.

“We are demanding that you uphold your public commitments and enforce your policies. Accordingly, no later than December 1, 2023, we request that you provide all forms of written communications, including email, text messages, other messaging services, or X direct messages, relating to content moderation for any posts or accounts associated with, related to, or connected to Hamas,” the letter states.

Earlier this year, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a bizarre speech lauding Schiff as a man “synonymous with courage” which may have said all that needs to be said about how Democrats view their crusade against activity protected by the First Amendment.

Musk has pushed back on allegations of racism, challenging journalists to cite a single instance of racism on his platform. The eccentric multibillionaire recently took heat for a post that critics held up as an example of his antisemitic leanings, a charge he denied.