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WATCH: Biden Impersonates Young Girl’s Voice In Extremely Creepy Moment



During his speech at the White House Tribal Nations Summit on Wednesday, President Joe Biden weirdly imitated a child-like voice while sharing a story about a discussion on environmental conservation.

Biden was detailing his efforts to address environmental concerns when he said, “I was in a plane, and a little girl came up to me. She said, ‘Mr. Pwesident can you take care of Beaws Ears?’”

“And I said  ‘Can I…’ I thought she said can I take care of her ears. And I said, ‘What, honey?’ And she said, ‘Beaws Ears. It’s really important!’”

“And guess what? She was dead right, and we did take care of it.”

(Starts at 12:44)

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While Joe Biden’s engaging storytelling at the Tribal Nations Summit reflects his “personal charm,” it also sets the stage for broader discussions about his legacy.

Earlier this week, CNN’s Van Jones controversially suggested that Biden be a new addition to Mt. Rushmore, based on his perceived accomplishments. This ultimately sparked a debate about the actual impact and effectiveness of his failed administration.

His statement, however, should seem to ring hollow with Biden’s approval rate even among Democrats rapidly collapsing. A late November poll from Jones’ own network CNN found that Biden’s approval rating among US Adults is only 37%, the poll among registered voters matched with disapproval at 63%.

According to the outlet, “Fewer than half in most demographic groups now approve of his job performance, including college graduates (48%), Black Americans (47%), Latino Americans (42%), those 45 or older (41%), those younger than 45 (33%), White Americans (33%) and those without college degrees (31%).” His approval has fallen from over 80% among Democrats to 72% and 63% among self-described liberals.

According to Real Clear Investigations Senior Reporter, Paul Sperry, during coverage of the Fourth 2024 GOP Primary Debate Jones claimed that Biden is so revered by Democrats for his “accomplishments,” that he should be enshrined on the memorial.

“If Joe Biden were to quit right now, he’d be on Mount Rushmore.”

Former Republican candidate for US Congress Josh Barnett responded incredulously, “What accomplishment? Specifically what, @VanJones68?”

Brent Scher quipped, “Lol @VanJones68 just said Joe Biden would be on the Mount Rushmore of Democratic presidents based on achievements…citing his work on anti-Asian hate In case you were wondering why nobody watches @CNN”

Fascinatingly one user referenced a little-seen report given by Rep. Harriet Hageman on November 29th that Biden is seeking to house thousands of illegal aliens in tent cities in our national parks.

In a video shared by Wall Street Apes, Hageman alerted the House,

“As if Biden’s border crisis isn’t bad enough, this administration is now seeking to convert our National Parks, America’s most cherished natural treasures and historical sites, into tent cities for illegal aliens. Such actions not only debase our national heritage, but blatantly violate numerous federal statutes, including those governing management and protection of our national parks, NEPA and the Administrative Procedure Act.

How bad is this latest move to convert our national parks to ungovernable tent cities? While Wyoming’s effort to prevent catastrophic wildfires destroying our national forests are met with intensive scrutiny from the unelected bureaucrats in this administration, president Biden is categorically exempting the housing of thousands of individuals in our national parks from any type of environmental review.”