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WATCH: Biden Mumbles For 10 Seconds Straight, Randomly Screams During Incoherent Speech



President Joe Biden’s speech in Wisconsin turned into an unexpected rollercoaster of mumbles and sudden outbursts. As former President Donald Trump edges towards securing the Republican presidential nomination, Biden visited the Wisconsin city of Superior on Thursday.

The area, once a stronghold of blue-collar voters for Democrats, has seen a shift in political sentiment favoring Trump, coinciding with the decline of industrial employment.

During his remarks, which were intended to discuss important policy issues, the President seemed to be in a battle of wits with his teleprompter.


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“My professor, uh, well, I won’t get into my professor. But, look, my predecessor, though…” Biden trailed off.

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In another moment out of the blue, randomly belted out a phrase with gusto, shouting, “It costs 10 bucks to make it!” The unexpected scream has become a common theme in his speeches.

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