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WATCH: KJP Makes Wildly Inaccurate Claim During Press Conference



Earlier this week, a false meme circulated on Instagram claiming that LGBTQ teachers in Orange County, Florida were being forced to remove photos of their same-sex spouses from classrooms and that rainbow clothing was being banned. However, fact-checkers quickly proved this to be untrue.

Despite this, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre criticized Governor Ron DeSantis and falsely claimed that the new law in Florida would force teachers to remove pictures of their same-sex spouses from their desks and censor their classroom materials.

“Under threat of having their licenses revoked, gay teachers have been forced to take down pictures of their spouses from their desks and censor their classroom materials,” KJP falsely stated.

The tweet was later flagged by Twitter and fact-checked.

The school district in question has since clarified that they encourage teachers to keep photos of their families in the classroom, regardless of their sexual orientation. However, they caution against specific discussions that may arise from such displays. The district has also stated that teachers are not being banned from wearing pride shirts but are being advised to use them with care since they could potentially start an instructional discussion.

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