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WATCH: Matt Gaetz Goes Ballistic On DC Republicans In Scathing Speech: ‘They Took Your Lunch Money’



Prior to Kevin McCarthy’s ousting as House Speaker, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) unleashed a blistering critique of establishment Republicans and DC politicians. Gaetz called out DC elites accusing them of being subservient to lobbyists and special interests while standing on the House floor.

His speech brought home the deep-seated divisions currently hampering the Republican Party, notably targeting Kevin McCarthy.

“When it comes to how those raise money, I take no lecture on asking patriotic Americans to weigh in and contribute to this fight from those who would grovel and bend knee for the lobbyists, and special interests who own our leadership.”

“Boo all you want! You have hollowed out this town and have borrowed against the future of our future generations!” Gaetz yelled. “I’ll be happy to fund my political operation through the work of hardworking Americans, ten and twenty and thirty dollars at a time. And you all keep showing up at the lobbyist fundraisers and see how that goes for you!”

Several hardline Republicans had expressed their dissatisfaction with McCarthy’s leadership style and decisions on key issues such as funding for Ukraine, leading to the pivotal vote that determined his fate. The vote followed a successful resolution for a no-confidence vote in McCarthy, filed by Gaetz.

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On Tuesday afternoon, a vote of 208-218 was cast in the chamber on a motion to set aside Gaetz’s resolution to remove McCarthy, paving the way for a subsequent vote on McCarthy’s continuance in his leading position. No Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives had ever been successfully removed from office through a motion to vacate the chair until now.

Gaetz lambasted the governing approach of continuing resolutions and omnibus bills, advocating for a more transparent legislative process, including single-subject bills, open amendments, and compliance with budget laws.

Over recent days, Gaetz has called out the discrepancies between statements from President Joe Biden and Speaker McCarthy regarding a potential financial aid deal for Ukraine, a contentious issue that’s recently taken center stage.

Gaetz stated, “The only Republicans in America who believe that the debt limit deal was conservative are in this chamber right now.” He then accused McCarthy and others of selling out conservative principles. “They took your lunch money.”

Conservatives’ criticism of continued aid packages to Ukraine amidst its conflict with Russia has grown, with many urging a reorientation of funds to address domestic concerns.

However, not all Republicans were on board with the move to vacate the Speaker’s chair. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA) expressed her concern about the potential leadership vacuum, stating on X, “If the Speaker is vacated, the House comes to a halt, no bills can be passed, nothing can be done until we elect another Speaker.”

Former President Donald J. Trump also voiced his concern over the divisions within the GOP. Taking to his social media platform, Trump expressed his total frustration. The internal strife within the party has created more questions as of late about the GOP’s unity, especially as the 2024 elections approach.