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WATCH: ‘Republican’ Senator Shamelessly Smears Matt Gaetz For Fighting Back Against Establishment



In an interview with CNN’s Manu Raju, Senator Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) launched into a disturbing smear of Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL) while expressing his anger toward him and the seven other Republicans who voted to vacate the Speakers Chair. He called them “Republicans by name and registration only,” and accused them of being self-serving in their actions calling them “shameful.”

While criticism of Gaetz’s decision to lead the ouster of former Speaker Kevin McCarthy falls clearly within the realm of accepted political discourse, other remarks Mullin made were shocking in their implications.

When asked by Raju if any action should be taken against Gaetz, Mullin launched into a series of allegations and insinuations against the Florida Congressman.

He hearkened back to debunked claims against Gaetz when telling the reporter,

“This is a guy that didn’t have that the media didn’t give a time a day to after he was accused of sleeping with an underage girl. And there’s a reason why no one in the conference came and defended him because we had all seen the videos he was showing on the house floor that all of us had walked away from. Of the girls that he had slept with. He’d brag about how he would crush ED medicine and… and chase it with um with an energy drink so he could go all night.”

He continued his accusations with some difficulty, “This is obviously before he got married. And so when that accusation came out no one defended him and then no one on the media would give him a time of the day.”

“All of a sudden he found fame because he opposed the Speaker of the House back in November and he’s always stayed there and he’s not..” He paused,  “He was never going to leave until he got this last moment of fame by saying… by… by going after a motion to vacate. Doing exactly the opposite of what or doing exactly what he was accusing the.. the governor or the… the Speaker of doing it… By saying that he was working with Democrats.”

He condemned his colleagues adding,

free hat

“So I would have a hard time actually saying there are true Republicans they’re about promoting themselves. They’re Republicans by name and registration only. If they are for the party they would have done what was best for the party and what was the party doing.”


According to CNN, Gaetz told the outlet in a statement that Mullin’s accusations have no merit.

“I don’t think Markwayne Mullin and I have said 20 words to each other on the House floor. This is a lie from someone who doesn’t know me and who is coping with the death of the political career of his friend Kevin. Thoughts and prayers,” Gaetz said.

On the future before the House GOP Mullin presented a bleak outlook, saying, “Now we’re not able to do anything. The investigation on Joe Biden doesn’t exist because we can’t move forward until we get a new speaker. The investigation on Hunter Biden doesn’t exist because we can’t move forward until we get a new speaker.”

He complained, “The appropriation process to which they said they wanted to do, yet they kept holding up the rule moving forward we can’t move forward with the appropriation process which is going to move us straight to a CR. Another CR which they were mad at Kevin for doing but yet they’re going to force the CR come November now,” despite the fact that a vote for a new speaker is scheduled for Oct. 11th, which if successful would mean only a matter of days has been lost.

Commentator Wayne DuPree called the comments “below the belt” when sharing the video with X, formerly Twitter.

The Calvin Coolidge Project similarly criticized him writing, “Let’s check in with Oklahoma Senator Markwayne Mullin to see how he is coping with McCarthy being removed as Speaker. Not well, he has resorted to lying about@mattgaetz. The old saying is true whatever it takes for you to sleep better at night right?”