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Watch: Smack Down! Peter Doocy Once Again Embarrasses Karine Jean-Pierre Over Biden’s Inflation Failures



You have to give Karine Jean-Pierre credit; she is persistent. Despite coming out every day and having to defend an almost untenable position, that being that the Biden administration is succeeding, she still shows up and tells us lies. Don’t get me wrong, they aren’t believable, or even articulate lies, but most people would have bailed by now after the constant beating administered by Peter Doocy. Looking at you Peppermint Psaki.

One can only imagine what the scene is before every presser. Karine gets her notes, reads them, and immediately throws up her hands and says ‘really?’ Yes, really Karine, this is the nonsense you must sell to the American people today. Problem is, the American people are so cash strapped from Joe Biden’s failed economic policies, they can’t afford to even rent the lies, no less buy them!

During Monday’s briefing, Peter Doocy did another number on Jean-Pierre. Check this out.

Doocy asked the press secretary a series of questions, beginning with why, if Biden really believed that battling inflation is his top domestic priority, Americans have not seen much progress on that front at all.

“Following up on something you said earlier, if President Biden’s top domestic priority is inflation, why doesn’t he have more to show for it?” Doocy asked.

woke bishop

That’s a very fair question, no? Inflation is at a 40 year high, and despite the assurances and lip service from Biden, there is no end in sight. The administration seems bent on blaming everyone but their own failed policies, and pointing to slightly falling gas prices, a problem which they created.

“So, the president understands, and we’ve talked about this many times, that inflation is an issue … high cost … cost is an issue for the American people, and so he’s been very clear about making that his number one economic priority. And he has done the work,” Jean-Pierre claimed.

Is it possible to say less with more words? Jean-Pierre is becoming more adept at saying nothing even though her mouth appears to be moving. At least Jen Psaki was a skilled liar and had a smidge of personality.

What work has Biden done? Why speak in such broad, general terms about “work”. All the American people see is a President FAILING to address the biggest issue of his Presidency.

Doocy followed that exchange up by asking: “But who exactly thinks the president is doing a good job on inflation? Because we’ve got a poll that finds he receives his lowest job ratings on inflation, net negative 38 points.”

“Have the president’s economic advisors told him the general consensus now is that the American Rescue Plan has contributed to inflation?” Doocy pressed further.

The obvious answer to this question is no. If any of Bidens economic advisors told him what the reality was versus what he wants to hear, they would just be ignored anyway. This White House is hell bent on telling the American people it’s a sunny day when in fact it is raining cats and dogs.

Jean-Pierre tried to argue that Biden’s policies are actually popular with Americans while deflecting on the economic question: “Look, Sec. Yellen, who is incredibly well respected, as you know, in the economic space, has spoken to this, so I will leave her words speak to that, to the statement that you just made.”

If there is any public servant with less credibility than Joe Biden, it’s Janet Yellen. Perhaps it is not a solid strategy to default to Yellen and her thoughts on inflation.

“The worst news for Democrats came from the questions about the economy, as 65% of those polled said that they felt like the United States economy was getting worse compared to only 15% who believed it was getting better. Another 20% said that the economy was staying the same,” The Daily Wire added.

Bad news indeed for the Democrats. I can’t help but wonder who the 15 percent of responders are that think things are getting better. I suspect they are liberal elites that couldn’t find their way to a grocery store with a compass and a guide, or they live in Narnia. Either way, they don’t speak for the vast majority of Americans that think things are crap right now. Neither does KJP. Thank goodness for Peter Doocy.