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WATCH: Tucker Pummels Pence On J6 And Ukraine: ‘Where’s The Concern For The United States?’



Former Vice President Mike Pence found himself under fire in Friday’s interview with Tucker Carlson, where the conversation broached topics as varied as religious liberty in Ukraine, US aid for the country, the events of January 6th, and the integrity of electronic voting machines.

During the fiery exchange, Tucker confronted Pence on his stance towards providing aid to Ukraine, while the nation is engaged in a conflict with Russia.

A central bone of contention arose around the treatment of Christians in Ukraine. Carlson challenged Pence, asserting, “I would think you would have greater concern for religious liberty in Ukraine…you can’t arrest clergy for having different views period because if you do you violate the basic tenet of [liberty].” Tucker fired back, saying, “I want to be clear with you I won’t stand by it I won’t stand for it if people are being persecuted for their religious beliefs.”

The conversation then pivoted towards the tumultuous events of January 6th and questions about the 2020 election. Carlson posited, “Why doesn’t anybody try to reassure the public that the mechanics of voting are legit?” To which Pence replied, “There were irregularities in the 2020 election. There’s no question. There are about a half a dozen states that changed the rules of elections in the name of COVID.”

Pence defended his decision to certify the electoral results of the 2020 election, labeling former President Trump’s actions on the day of the Capitol riot as “reckless,” and stating, “It endangered me and my family and everyone that was at the Capitol that day.”

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Turning his sights on the American election system, Pence expressed confidence, stating, “I believe we can,” in response to Carlson’s doubts about electronic voting machines. He voiced his approval of recent election integrity reforms enacted by Republican-led states and also supported the idea of requiring photo IDs for voting.

When Carlson suggested the outright removal of electronic voting machines, Pence revealed his openness to the idea, saying, “I would certainly be open to that.” However, he underlined the principle that states hold the governing power over elections, adding, “What I believe, Tucker, is that states govern elections.”