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WATCH: Tucker Weighs In On Israel Attack, Slams ‘Bloodthirsty’ GOP Warhawks For Pushing U.S. To War: ‘Not Serious Leadership’



Tucker Carlson posed the biggest question facing American policymakers in the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks against Israel by Hamas: how involved to become in providing the nation with military support as it continues vast counterinsurgency operations across Gaza.

“It’s not a selfish question. It’s the whole point of making policy for a country, to improve and protect that country,” said Carlson, giving voice to the trepidation among conservatives in the modern era about fighting overseas wars on behalf of foreign allies. Members of Congress, he added, have a “moral authority” to question whether using American resources to support Israel’s response to the attacks is in the best interest of Americans.

Instead, he claimed, long-term thinking and wisdom have gone out the door as candidates like “the media’s pick” Nikki Haley equivocate the attacks with direct threats to America. She and other neoconservatives like Senator Lindsay Graham (R-SC) and Congressman Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) have called for Israel to take the fight to Iran, which was found responsible for providing military and logistical support for Hamas’ surprise attack that has killed at least 900 Israelis.

“This is not serious leadership. She’s a child, and this is the tantrum of a child: ignorant, cocksure, bloodthirsty. Yet no one in Washington scolded her for it,” Carlson said incredulously. “War begets more war. The longer the conflict, the uglier and longer-lasting the consequences. See World War I for details.”

Later in the segment, Vivek Ramaswamy told Carlson why he is one of the few GOP presidential candidates calling for America to stop and reflect before potentially entering another so-called forever war.

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“I think they should have our moral and diplomatic support as an ally,” he said, but “we have a bad habit while we’re bankrupt of funding both sides of wars that should have been avoided in the first place.” Ramaswamy cited the ongoing conflict in Ukraine and President Joe Biden’s recent decision to pay Iran $6 billion in exchange for American hostages, money that later found its way to Hamas.

“A big part of what’s wrong in the United States today, Tucker, is… you have a system that is bought and paid for,” Ramaswamy added, citing lobbying efforts by representatives from Azerbaijan seeking to tamp down American interest in an ongoing conflict with Armenia that has killed thousands of soldiers and civilians to date.

The “selective moral outrage” of American policymakers is just one critique modern conservatives have lobbed as they seek to realign the Republican Party with more immediate national interests including securing the southern border and strengthening the nation’s energy independence. The continual siphoning of billions of dollars away from America’s bottom line toward Ukraine has been a point of contention among a growing number of GOP lawmakers in Congress who have distanced themselves from the neoconservative policies that defined past GOP administrations like former President George W. Bush.

Watch Carlson’s full segment here: