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WATCH: Vivek Hilariously Rips Haley’s ‘Ammunition’ Line: ‘Nikki, I’m Not A Third-World Nation’



Vivek Ramaswamy has unleashed a rebuke of former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and the GOP establishment during after last night’s Republican presidential debate. Ramaswamy, known for his wit and outspoken views, aimed at Haley over her “ammunition” comment, suggesting that her approach to foreign policy is overly aggressive and misaligned with American interests.

“I wear heels,” Haley said last night in response to a dig from Ramaswamy. “They’re not for a fashion statement— they’re for ammunition.”

“This woman’s literally so addicted to war. She’s like, ‘The shoes I’m wearing are ammunition.’ Nikki, I’m not a third-world nation. So I know you have a penchant for bombing third-world nations, but I’m not one of those third-world nations,” Ramaswamy told Benny Johnson on Thursday.

“Look, the bombs explode, her bank account grows. That’s Nikki Haley’s business model. As far as I know, the woman’s never made an honest dollar in her life.”

Ramaswamy has frequently expressed his disapproval of Haley on multiple issues. In a tense exchange during Wednesday night’s Republican presidential debate, he intensified his criticisms of Haley, particularly targeting her position on Israel. Ramaswamy suggested that her perspective on this issue should be a disqualifying factor for her candidacy.

free hat

In a notably heated moment of the debate, Ramaswamy compared Haley’s approach to foreign policy to “Dick Cheney in three-inch heels,” drawing an analogy with the former vice president’s aggressive policy views. This formed part of a wider strategy in which Ramaswamy even involved Haley’s family, leading to a strong rebuttal from Haley, who branded him as “scum” in the heat of the debate​.

Additionally, he has reproached her for adopting an overly aggressive foreign policy stance and for being influenced by the defense industry, pointing to her role on Boeing’s board after her term as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations.

Ramaswamy’s criticisms on Thursday extended beyond Haley however, as the candidate also spent time encapsulating what he perceives as deep-rooted corruption and misplaced priorities within both political parties. He specifically targeted the Biden family for monetizing their political connections, insinuating a link between financial gain and foreign policy decisions, particularly regarding Ukraine.

“But it’s not just her [Haley]. It’s just not one person,” Ramaswamy told Johnson. “It’s an embodiment of a way of life in the political class in both parties. You’ve got the Biden family that sold off our foreign policy to make their family rich. It’s wrong. That’s why we’re sending money to Ukraine.”

Ramaswamy did not shy away from addressing issues within his party as well. He criticized Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, alluding to her management of the party’s finances and strategy. His comments follow a disappointing performance for the GOP in recent elections, with many conservatives expressing their frustration over the party’s direction and leadership.

Ramaswamy called McDaniel out by name last night, saying, “Ronna, if you want to come on stage tonight … look the GOP voters in the eye and tell them you’ll resign. I’ll turn over and yield my time to you,” he said.