‘WHERE AM I GOING’: Biden Appears Lost After Remarks At FEMA Headquarters
On Thursday Joe Biden raised eyebrows and fueled concerns once again about his capacity to govern effectively when he appeared to be disoriented after delivering remarks at FEMA headquarters. The President was there to discuss the aftermath of a hurricane in Florida.
Biden reiterated his plans to visit Florida on Saturday morning a puzzling four times within a 19-second timeframe. After delivering this repetitive line, he turned to walk away, pausing to ask, “Where am I going now?”
Given his age and previous gaffes, the setting for the concerning display further exacerbates worries. FEMA headquarters is a central hub for managing natural disasters and emergencies.
From a border crisis to soaring inflation, the direction of Biden’s leadership is increasingly unclear.
As he himself pondered, “Where am I going now?”—a question the American people may also be asking about the course of his presidency.
To Florida,, remember??
— Mounir Salaymeh (@mounir_homs) August 31, 2023
He is toasted, and It's just a question of when he will resign or announce that he is not running in 2024.
— DIVIDENDHEDGEINFO.COM (@plasticmoney888) August 31, 2023
— 🇺🇸Rusty Cannon (@Rustycanno3010) August 31, 2023
And if DeSantis had any balls. He'd deny entry into Florida's airspace. Same with any red state.
— Responder224 (@responder224) August 31, 2023
then after he goes on vacation
— maga1 (@Matt96870193) August 31, 2023