While On Vacation, Biden Calls On Congress To ‘Come Home And Pass Legislation Funding NATO’
While vacationing in Delaware for the weekend, President Biden demanded that Congress return from a two-week recess and pass the massive foreign aid package that has been endorsed by the administration.
Biden has called on the House to pass a massive, $95.8 billion foreign aid package, $60 billion of which will go towards military and domestic funding in Ukraine. Israel and Taiwan are also set to receive billions in security assistance as part of the package.
House Republicans have demanded a plan that leads to a secure southern border, which has endured record-setting numbers of illegal alien encounters over the past two fiscal years. A handful of Senate Republicans did negotiate a “deal” that would allow upwards of 5,000 illegal aliens to enter the country every day, provide billions towards lawyers for asylum seekers, and hand out thousands of green cards through 2030. The deal was ultimately shot down in the Senate and was declared “dead on arrival” by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).
While vacationing in Delaware over the weekend, President Biden called on Congress to return from a two-week recess to pass the foreign aid package. “The idea that we’re going to walk away from Ukraine, the idea that we’re going to let NATO begin to split, is totally against the interests of the United States of America and it is against our word we’ve given since all the way back to Eisenhower,” Biden told reporters.
“So it’s about time we make sure that Congress come home and pass the legislation funding NATO. It’s critical.”
None of the primary beneficiaries of the Senate’s foreign aid package — Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan — are actually NATO members.
President Biden has refused to meet with Speaker Johnson in order to negotiate a plan that provides foreign aid for the three countries while also fixing the border crisis.
“I am going to continue to insist on that because there are very serious issues that need to be addressed and if the speaker of the House cannot meet with the president of the United States, that’s a problem,” Johnson said of a potential meeting. “I don’t know why they’re uncomfortable having the president sit across the table from me, but I will go in good faith.”
Instead of meeting with House Republicans, the White House has pointed to the House’s refusal to consider the Senate’s amnesty deal. “What is there to negotiate, truly?” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre told reporters on Thursday.
“What is the one-on-one negotiation about when he’s been presented with exactly what he asked for?” Jean-Pierre continued. “So, he’s negotiating with himself [and] he’s killing bills on his own.”