Widow of police officer blames Democrat DA Larry Krasner for husband’s death
Sgt. James O’Connor was killed in the line of duty after he served a warrant for an arrest to a man. At the time of the killing, he was a veteran of the force for 23 years. O’Connor was killed on March 13, 2020 and now his alleged killers are facing federal charges which could include the death penalty. Prosecutors in the case portrayed the alleged killers as violent drug dealers with extensive criminal records.
Calls for Larry Krasner impeachment grow, on video:
After the Wall Street Journal published an editorial this week in which liberal billionaire Soros lauded the work done by progressive district attorneys and rejected the idea that their policies were responsible for crime spikes across the country, O’Connor’s widow decided to reveal her story as a response to the Wall Street Journal publication.
Her message was for George Soros, the liberal mega-donor who is known for defending far-left district attorneys and their policies, including the District Attorney of Pennsylvania, Larry Krasner. The widow of O’Connor, Terri, is blaming her husband’s murder on Krasner. She told Fox News that her husband would be living if not for D.A. Krasner’s far-left bail policies, which have allowed these armed men to be back on the street after numerous arrests, said the NY Post.
During a show called American Reports, Terri said, “They had lengthy criminal records for guns, shootings, murders. I could go on and on about it. They were out of jail repeatedly because of our district attorney and his lenient policies. If those males were locked up and kept where they’re supposed to be, my husband would still be here today.”
When asked about the trial, Terri reported that the federal involvement has given her more faith in the law. She hopes that the culprits will be prosecuted. “[As far as] Taking this job out of our district attorney’s hands…we’ve already seen that he goes behind people’s backs and makes deals without telling anybody. I would be sure someone would be out on the street already,” she said. “I am very thankful that they are all locked away in federal prison at this time,” she continued.
Soros tried to argue that the policies pursued by progressive prosecutors to whom he contributed many millions of dollars had been “popular” and “effective.” Terri, however, stressed that her pain and that of so many like her is evidence that the present system “does not work.” “It’s not working. Who thinks that this system of giving people second, third, fourth chances is working? Our city is not safe. It hasn’t been safe for quite some time,” she stated. “There are younger victims being shot and killed every day. It’s because they are let out again and again.”
Last June, several Pennsylvania state representatives accused the D.A of dereliction of duty and initiated impeachment proceedings against him. “We have a D.A. who won’t prosecute people who are stealing from stores if it’s under $1,000 and small businesses are closing because people can just walk in, take what they want and they know nothing is going to happen to them,” Terri declared.
This story syndicated with licensed permission from Frank who writes about Conservative Politics News. Follow Frank on Facebook and Twitter