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WOW: Here’s What Biden is Saying about those Missiles that Hit Poland



While Biden is far from the best president, he is, at the very least, less bloodthirsty and less of a warmonger than many on the Uniparty Left and Neocon Right. Though he’s taken the side of Ukraine in the Russo-Ukrainian conflict and sent lots of aid, he has tried to keep things from escalating to the point of no return and remained cognizant of the potentially devastating effects of escalation.

Fortunately for the world, that restraint could be seen in his remarks yesterday on the missiles that hit grain facilities in Poland, killing two.

Initially, it was reported that the deadly missiles were Russian. Later reports indicated that the missiles were probably Ukrainian air defense missiles falling back to Earth that sadly happened to hit the Polish grain facility.

Biden struck an anti-Russian but not overly escalatory tone during his remarks on the subject, saying:

Thanks for being here. I — as you saw, I just met with the leaders of NATO and the G7 and — to talk about the latest events in Europe, and I briefed them on my discussions with President Duda of Poland, as well as NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg. And we agreed to support Poland’s investigation into the explosion in rural Poland, near the Ukrainian border. And I’m going to make sure we figure out exactly what happened.

Our empathy — sympathy goes out to — apparently, two people were killed.

And then we’re going to collectively determine our next step as we investigate and proceed. There was total unanimity among the folks at the table.

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And we also discussed the latest series of Russian missile attacks, which are continuing the brutality and inhumanity that they’ve demonstrated throughout this war against Ukrainian cities and civilian infrastructures. And they’ve been totally unconscionable, what they’re doing. Totally unconscionable.

And the moment when the world came together at the G20 to urge de-escalation, Russia continues to — has chosen to escalate in Ukraine, while we’re meeting. I mean, there were scores and scores of attack — missile attacks into western Ukraine.

We support Ukraine fully in this moment, and we have — we have since the start of this conflict. And we’re going to continue to do whatever it takes to give them the capacity to defend themselves.

So, while he attacked Russia for its series of missile strikes on Ukraine, he shied away from blaming the Russians for the tragedy in Poland.

A reporter then asked him about that specifically, saying:

Mr. President, is it too early to say whether this missile was fired from Russia?

Biden, responding, wisely avoided blaming either side and instead pledged to investigate the incident, saying:

There is preliminary information that contests that. I don’t want to say that until we completely investigate. But it is — I — it’s unlikely, in the minds of the trajectory, that it was fired from Russia. But we’ll see. We’ll see.

A reporter the asked him if the Poles are planning on escalating things following the tragedy, asking:

Mr. President, has Poland suggested invoking Article 4 or 5 from NATO, sir?

Biden gave a similarly vague but non-warmongering answer, saying: “The consensus is we’re going to probably have a meeting of the — of the — of the ambassadors. So that’s — it looks like we’re going to go do next.

So, despite the tragedy, Biden appears to be doing his best to keep us out of an open war with Russia and risking nuclear conflict. Though he might be failing in many other ways, for that we should thank him.