“You’re a Pedophile”: Epic Video Shows Brandon Getting Hilariously Heckled [WATCH]
President Brandon the Incompetent has made quite the mark on America in various speeches of his recently, most of which have been vicious, unforgivably brutal attacks on conservative-leaning Americans and those who chose to support Trump in 2020.
Ranting and raving about how horrible “MAGA Republicans” are while yelling something about the 2nd Amendment is pointless because the government has F-15s (and that wasn’t his first time making such a comment though it really seems that he should understand the truth to be otherwise given the woke military’s disastrous defeat in Afghanistan that he presided over), Biden exposed his real point of view: despite all that cheery talk about being a “unifier”, he just hates those that voted for the bad orange man.
Fair enough, we hate him too.
But many of those who have to listen to his ranting and raving about how evil they are for supporting quite the opposite of his radical agenda haven’t done so silently. Instead, taking a cue from humor-minded patriots everywhere from Michigan to the border, they decided to do their best to humiliate Brandon.
One such patriot started chanting “f*** Joe Biden” during Biden’s absurd, Star Wars bad guy-esque speech, the one in front of the red lighting, something that added a bit of humorous flavor to the creepy speech that sent shivers down many a spine, with moderates, Republicans, and sane Democrats viewing Biden’s speech with horror and wondering where this latest shift toward the radical is going and worrying that something very, very bad is imminent.
But that wasn’t the only awesome heckling that was directed Brandon’s way recently. At another ridiculous speech, this one in Maryland, a brave patriot took a stand against the creepy president and yelled “you’re a pedophile” at him while he was speaking. Watch that incident here:
The one time Biden draws a crowd he gets heckled:
“You stole the election. You’re a ped0ph1le too!” pic.twitter.com/QlXhn0gauw— Morgan Ariel (@itsmorganariel) August 26, 2022
And, from Team Biden’s perspective, at least Biden drew something approaching a crowd for that speech. Fox News Channel panned the crowd at one of his other recent speeches, the one in Pennsylvania, and the number of people there was incredibly unimpressive. Watch that here:
Good on FOX for the wide shot showing the gathering
I’ve seen bigger turnouts at PTA meetings pic.twitter.com/37Edlh86Ea
— Ultra MAGA Lisa Whicker (@Providential) August 30, 2022
Oh, and that “you’re a pedophile” comment and sentiments like it sparked the trending of “#pedoHitler” on Twitter following Brandon’s red light speech, with this tweet being fairly indicative of what those who were horrified by Biden’s divisive speech and its dictator aesthetics:
Joe Biden deliberately chose the Satanic looking backdrop for his speech tonight.
He is truly an evil man. You don’t have to dig too deep to know this. Just look at how Hunter Biden turned out. Read Ashley Biden’s diary entries about him taking showers with her.
Joe Biden deliberately chose the Satanic looking backdrop for his speech tonight.
He is truly an evil man. You don’t have to dig too deep to know this. Just look at how Hunter Biden turned out. Read Ashley Biden’s diary entries about him taking showers with her.#PedoHitler pic.twitter.com/GjbczpOJE2
— Alex Bruesewitz
(@alexbruesewitz) September 2, 2022
This edit was pretty funny too:
“I am The Government”- Joe Biden #PedoHitler pic.twitter.com/oEwdeqf1z2
— Stephen Wallace (@PatriotSW1776) September 2, 2022
So how are things going for Biden? Perhaps he’s boosted himself with the far-left base with his recent speeches, but a huge chunk of America was horrified by those divisive speeches and is now wondering “what’s next?” while nervously cleaning their weapons and talking to friends in a hushed tone about the scary direction our country appears to be headed in.
But at least a few funny videos of the whole situation are coming out. If nothing else, watching the senile dictator get heckled is entertaining.
By: TheAmericanTribune.com, editor of TheAmericanTribune.com. Follow me on Facebook and Subscribe to My Email List