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YouTube Makes Major Move Against Conservative Comedian After Exclusive Interview With Kari Lake



The clowns in Big Tech are up to their old tricks again it seems.

YouTube has issued a two-week ban to conservative comedian and commentator Steven Crowder after he posted an interview with Arizona Republican gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake who appeared on his program “Louder With Crowder,” according to his staff.

Uh oh. The marching orders must be trickling down to all the minions and propaganda makers to find ways to shut down GOP candidates that are backed by former President Donald Trump as we continue to move toward the midterm elections.

They’re scared, folks. Completely terrified. They know the red wave is coming and are taking any course of action they can to lessen the damage, which means silencing their opposition.

“Lake had informed Crowder that if elected, she would investigate claims of fraud in the 2020 presidential election. On Wednesday, Crowder posted on Instagram a message from YouTube saying the podcast had been removed for violating the platform’s misinformation policy. Crowder has since doubled down, saying he will now interview Kari Lake again,” the Daily Wire reported.

“The video also showed Lake’s assertive, proactive approach to the huge illegal immigration problem facing Arizonans as well as her willingness to take on the drug cartels flooding the United States with narcotics,” the report continued.

woke bishop

“We’re in a worse place than I thought. This is about saving America,” Lake said during her conversation with Crowder. “We have a million problems, but if we can’t get our secure border … then this whole amazing beautiful constitutional republic may be over.”

“It’s all interrelated; we can’t deal with our homeless problem and our drug addiction and all of that until we secure the border,” she proclaimed. “If we keep letting these drugs pour in, we’re never going to be able to deal with it.”

“That’s why my first day, we’re going to call it what it is on the border,” the gubernatorial candidate stated bluntly. “It is an invasion; we’re going to issue a declaration of invasion, and we’re taking control of our border. We’re taking it back from the federal government. They have failed us. We’re putting our National Guard troops on the border and we’re going to stop people from coming across.”

“We’ll finish President Trump’s wall,” she then stated. “We’re going to blow up the drug tunnels. We’re not going to just put a little piece of concrete in for them to jackhammer it out and get them functional again. And we’re going after these cartels.”

The Arizona Republican then went on to say, “We act like it’s impossible to deal with this problem; it’s not impossible if we have the will and the strength to do it. And we will starting in January 2023.”

The pair discussed many other important issues during the interview, which now only has one segment left up on YouTube:

The left wants to ensure that people do not hear both sides of the important issues facing us as a country, as a society. All they want is to retain power and minimize the damage coming this fall due to the failures of Biden’s awful economic policies. Making sure they keep control of Congress is their top priority, otherwise much of the work they have done to advance the agenda will be undone.

Let’s hope they are miserable failures.