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BREAKING: Devon Archer Transcript Exposes Joe Biden’s Intimate Meetings With Hunter’s Associates



The House Oversight Committee on Thursday released key sections of the transcript from a closed-door testimony by Devon Archer, a former friend and business associate of Hunter Biden who claimed to witness Joe Biden as vice president appear in person or by phone in dozens of meetings set up to funnel millions of dollars to the Biden family.

Among the critical disclosures by Archer were that his business ventures with Hunter were all about selling “the brand,” a reference to their proximity to then-Vice President Biden. On multiple occasions, Archer and Hunter Biden put Vice President Biden on the phone with Chinese and Ukrainian business associates for introductory calls before the elder Biden went on to shower the associates with private meetings, letters for children, and political maneuverings that neutralized negative attention to their companies.

In another exchange, Archer explains how adding Hunter to the board of the Burisma energy company in Ukraine would “send the right signals” and “open doors” in Washington. He added that having “the brand” attached to the company allowed it to operate longer and avoid legal challenges.

As part of their work with Hunter and Archer, Burisma executives were said to have requested that the duo get “help from D.C.” to address “government pressure” faced back home in Ukraine. Avoiding specifics allowed Burisa’s leadership to send a signal that they would like an investigation by prosecutors to go away.

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“The request was I think that they were getting pressure and they requested, you know, Hunter help them with some of that pressure,” said Archer.

“What pressure?” asked a member of the Oversight Committee.

“Government. Government pressure on their – you know, government pressure from Ukrainian Government investigations into Mykola, et cetera,” Archer replied.

“The request – you know, basically the request is like, can D.C. help? But there were not – you know, I’m not going to – there were not – it wasn’t like – there weren’t specific, you know, can the big guy help? It was – it’s always this amorphous, can we get help in D.C.?” he later added.

A critical moment during the testimony came when Archer confirmed that a dinner between Vice President Biden and Russian business associates preceded a $3.5 million wire transfer received by Hunter Biden’s firm, Rosemont Seneca Thornton, which was later distributed to various family members. The deal was hammered on by President Donald Trump during the 2020 campaign and denied by Biden during a debate.

Asked whether he thought it was “odd” for Hunter to suddenly dial his father into a business meeting, Archer concurred but said he had a legitimate – and lucrative – reason to do so.

“That, I think, at the end of the day, part of what was delivered is the brand. I mean, it’s like anything, you know, if you’re Jamie Dimon’s son or any CEO. You know, I think that’s what we’re talking about, is that there was brand being delivered along with other capabilities and reach,” Archer said.

The full transcript was posted on the Oversight Committee’s website Thursday morning.

President Biden has denied participating in his son’s business activities, though the White House’s answer has varied in recent weeks as more disclosures have come to light.