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BOOM: Biden’s Mistaken Priorities, Disconnect with American People Exposed by His Focus on this Issue



What’s so wrong with Biden that normal people seem (so not the DC political class or a few leftwing Biden apologists) to be just unable to contain themselves and do anything other than mock him and shower him with scorn and disdain?

According to Fox News Channel’s, Joe Concha, it’s that Biden is horribly out of touch with the average American and is focusing on things about which the average Joe couldn’t care less, regardless of how crazy Slow Joe is going on the subject.

Particularly, Concha hit Biden for his apparent fixation on “climate change” at a time when Americans care about pretty much everything else, particularly food prices and the gas price crisis, a good bit more.

Commenting on that and hitting Biden hard for focusing on climate change at the expense of other, more important issues like inflation and the illegal immigration crisis, Concha said:

But the fact that we are talking about climate change as an emergency, as a crisis, and this president doesn’t consider inflation approaching 10% in this country, that is not a crisis, or more than 4 million people illegally entering this country in Joe Biden’s first two years, that is a projection now, that is not a crisis.

“All of the fentanyl that is the leading cause of death for those between the ages of 18 and 49, that is apparently not a crisis either.”

Continuing, Concha attacked the idea of climate change even being a problem, noting how little the average American compares it compared to other, much more pressing issues. In his words:

free hat

Question: As Kellyanne Conway pointed out before, is climate change the most important problem facing this country? That was in a poll that came out today.

“And if you listen to the media, you would come to the conclusion that absolutely it’s near the top, but just 1% of total voters believe climate change is the most important issue facing this country, 1%, it’s at the very bottom behind 13 other issues according to a recent YouGov poll.

Finally, Concha got to his main point, which is that Biden is so unpopular and his administration so insufferable because it is focusing to such a high degree on climate change, an issue about which most Americans care little, noting Biden’s rock-bottom approval rating with important demographics and saying:

The disconnect between this administration and the American people is beyond apparent. And as you said, when you are at 19% among Hispanics and 23% among independents, how could you possibly think of running again if those numbers hold, and I have a feeling they will, Sean, yeah.

Regardless of that poll and what Americans actually think, Biden seems poised to take more action on Covid, with Biden’s press secretary and the Pentagon spokesman describing climate change as a national security crisis and saying the administration would take action on the issues as the temperature gets hotter.

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