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BREAKING: Catherine Herridge Breaks Her Silence, Releases Jaw-Dropping Investigative Report



After months of silence, veteran reporter Catherine Herridge has released a shocking report on a military servicewoman who claims she was sidelined by the Veterans Administration after internal memos classified her heart condition as an ailment resulting from the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

In a clip of her interview with the soldier, Herridge listens to the heartbreaking story of Army Specialist Karoline Stancik, who blamed the Covid vaccine for a “debilitating heart condition” she said was confirmed by military brass and which has cost her $70,000 in medical bills. Stancik, 23, came forward after saying she was “abandoned” by the Army and National Guard as she sought compensation. Herridge asked the young woman if an internal Army memo represented an acknowledgment that her heart condition was the result of the COVID-19 vaccine.

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“It one hundred percent is,” she replied.

“Were you left behind by the Army and the National Guard?” Herridge asked as she probed further. “I was left behind and trampled,” she responded.

Herridge’s report, titled “The Cost of Following Orders,” examines a number of instances where mandatory COVID vaccinations in the U.S. military resulted in severe side effects for service members. In August of 2021, the Department of Defense under President Joe Biden ordered all soldiers across all military branches to receive the vaccine regardless of religious objections or health considerations. The policy was rescinded less than two years later but has reportedly left a significant number of veterans saying they suffered detrimental effects as a result of the forced jabs.

Stancik now takes 27 pills per day after suffering a heart attack while on active duty. “I could run 10 miles at a time, play basketball, and now I have trouble just standing up,” she said, adding she had no previously diagnosed heart condition. “The only thing that could have changed was the vaccine. That’s when everything flipped upside down for me.”

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Internal documents obtained by Herridge confirm that the military was aware of Stancik’s claim and believed her diagnosis may open the door to other claims by service members who claim they were harmed by DoD’s vaccine mandate. Making matters worse for the Pentagon is that Stancik never once tested positive for COVID-19, a diagnosis they wrote could be attributable to her recent heart condition.

Going on, Stancik agreed that military leaders have a “special responsibility” to veterans who saw their careers cut short as a result of what they say was a knee-jerk policy based on politics and science which downplayed the risk of severe conditions that could result in a minority of vaccine recipients.

“They’re fully responsible. I was neglected, and the medical care that I needed to get was not happening, and so the damage was more by delaying the response,” she said. “I was experiencing severe neuropathic pain. It felt like a burning sensation throughout my whole body, chest pain, breathing issues, high heart rate.” Her condition, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), is where heart and blood pressure don’t work in accordance with one another. “I will wake up, and my heart rate will hit the 180s, 190s.”


Herridge, a former investigative reporter at Fox News, was laid off by CBS in February and later went public about what she and other reporters claim is an encroachment on journalistic protections by the federal government. During an April hearing of the House Judiciary Subcommittee, Herridge appeared to advocate for the Press Act, which would shield reporters in instances where they are compelled to produce the names of sources who wish to remain anonymous.

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