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Kari Lake Says to “Buckle Up” Over Impending AZ Supreme Court Appearance



Republican Kari Lake, who contested the outcome of the November gubernatorial election in Arizona, revealed her plan to pursue her accusations of misconduct in the state’s highest court.

After an appeals court in Arizona rejected her challenges on Thursday, Lake claimed that Democratic Gov. Katie Hobbs’ narrow victory in November was marred by numerous election irregularities in Maricopa Count. Lake directed attention towards issues with printers that resulted in the rejection of numerous ballots and extensive queues at polling stations that deterred voters from casting their votes.

Despite losing the initial legal battle, where she demanded a new election be conducted, she persisted in pursuing her cause. However, her appeal to the Arizona Court of Appeals was also dismissed, with the court delivering its verdict against Lake on Thursday. Nevertheless, Lake remained undeterred and announced her determination to continue fighting.

“I told you we would take this case all the way to the Arizona Supreme Court, and that’s exactly what we are going to do. Buckle up, America!”

Lake continued on Twitter, “I assure you we share your frustration. We put two years of hard work and passion into a WINNING political campaign that was stolen from us on Election Day in Maricopa County. They can call us crazy. But they will never call us quitters.”

“When you have the truth on your side, you do not abandon ship every time you hit a road block.” Lake finished, “You keep moving forward. You stand up for what’s right. Does the Truth still Matter? We’ll see.”

The Arizona Court of Appeals concluded that Lake’s allegations lacked substantial evidence to support her case. According to the ruling, Lake failed to demonstrate how issues with misprinted ballots could have influenced the final election outcome. Additionally, the court dismissed Lake’s contentions that the verification process of mail-in ballot signatures was faulty.

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The ruling wrote: “Kari Lake appeals the Maricopa County Superior Court’s ruling rejecting her request to set aside Katie Hobbs’s 17,117 vote win in Arizona’s 2022 gubernatorial election. Lake’s arguments highlight election- day difficulties, but her request for relief fails because the evidence presented to the superior court ultimately supports the court’s conclusion that voters were able to cast their ballots, that votes were counted correctly, and that no other basis justifies setting aside the election results. Accordingly, we affirm.”

“Lake argues that the superior court erred by dismissing her claims asserting equal protection and due process violations. Her arguments fail, however, because these claims were expressly premised on an allegation of official misconduct in the form of interference with on-site tabulators—the same alleged misconduct as in Lake’s printer/tabulator claim.”

The court concluded “For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the superior court’s ruling confirming Hobbs’s election as governor. We deny Hobbs’s request for an award of attorney’s fees on appeal because she offered no substantive basis for the award.”